"Dad! I'm home!"

I yelled and the dog record player promptly stopped,


He yelled, that was one of the many nicknames he had given me over the years,

"Who else would it be?"

I yelled back. We didn't have to walk much further because my dad came running and gave me a hug. I was rather taken aback,

"What's this?"

I said with a chuckle,

"I saw you from Auradon! The magnificent blue light could be seen from anywhere in this entire Isle! The entire Isle was watching!"

I scoffed,

"I doubt it"

"You gotta believe me flame, it was amazing! I'm so proud of you"

He said as he pulled away from the hug,

"As awesome as that sounds I gotta tell you a few things"

"Alright what is it?"

He said stepping back some,

"During our little adventure... uhm... the ember went out at one point..."

He froze, he immediately got panicked,

"... and I almost died, but I didn't and I think it's fair to explain how. The ember was dropped in some water and obviously I almost died, when Harry and Uma found me in the middle of the woods I was barely breathing but the key was I was put to sleep by that Audrey chick. Which by the way is the daughter of Aurora ironically enough. Long story short, I was saved by true loves kiss as terribly cliche as that sounds"

My dad took a second and processed everything before saying,

"Who the hell kissed you to wake you up?"

He said surprisingly calm. I glanced over to Harry who had slightly distanced himself. He took a quick breath before sauntering over to me and putting his arm around my shoulder and clearing his throat,

"That would be me, sir"

He said, thank the gods my dad already likes Harry,

"Harry Hook huh? I knew it!"

He yelled in excitement,


I said with a laugh,

"Little flame, you act like I'm blind. I saw how you looked at him and son I saw how you looked at her. I made a bet on it with your mother I was so confident about this"

I was in shock,

"No you didn't, for what?!"

"A thousand bucks!"

He said punching the air out of excitement,

"Dad I haven't even gotten to the point of this conversation"

I said with a laugh. He got it back together,

"What is it?"

"The girl, Audrey. The light show you could apparently see from here was be beating her by overriding the staff aka she's stuck in an eternal slumber that is basically like death. I know you can uplift that and they literally have guards waiting to take you to Auradon, are you willing to do that for me? Otherwise, I'm sure I'll be called a murderer back at Auradon"

He took a second to think,

"A chance to look at a clear sky I'll take, is Mal there?"

I nodded,

"I gave her the ember, to keep"

He knew how protective I was of the ember so he was taken aback,

"I'll never see her again. After today the barrier is being sealed forever. I had to give her something of mine"

He slowly nodded,

"I'll do it"

With that he marched out of the cave, leaving Harry and I alone,

"He's an odd man, very bipolar sometimes"

I said with a little laugh, Harry matched my laugh before pausing. He snaked his arms around my waist again and gave me another hug. I put my arms around his neck and took more deep breaths,

"I got ya lassie, I know this will be hard but I'll be there with ya every step of the way"

I looked up at him and just kissed him. He was surprised but I think he will be when I kiss him out of the blue for a while. It was dark in the cave which was personally a preference of mine, and now I knew that it made kisses feel even better.


Hiya! I hope you enjoyed this one, it took a few tries to get right. Remember to stay hydrated as always my friends :)


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