Chapter 18: Mute

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Mia's POV:

Feb 9, 2015

It's been a week since Josh was first sent to the hospital and so much has happened already. I didn't know what else to do so I just decided to finally type something out in this journal. I still can't believe that this is happening. I can't believe that this is happening! Josh. Josh of all people on this fucking planet. Why was it him? It was his fucking birthday! Why did he have to be the one on that field to get hurt?

According to the other spectators at the game, Josh was being his same old self in the goal. Intimidating those who had the ball at their feet, as well as the balls to challenge him. Then, one kid got really fucking cocky--well they didn't say that, that's what I say--and charged the goal. Like he just had to make a fucking shot. I mean, I guess that's the point of soccer, but Josh wasn't having that! Why couldn't that big oaf just relax for ONE moment! Just one single moment!

Well, the cocky kid tried to shoot the ball and instead of Josh stepping back and just grabbing the ball while it was in the air, he dove head first to the guy's feet while he was trying to kick the soccer ball. And...Josh was kicked or kneed in the face. He head snapped back and then...he started seizing on the field. 

Next thing anyone knew, the ambulance was there, and they had to call helicopters to lift him off the field and to the hospital. 

When I saw Josh all I could think was "NO". Why my brother? Why my Josh? He never hurt anybody who didn't try to hurt him first, he was always protecting people around him, whether he knew them or not. And now? Now, he's in a coma at the hospital and they don't know when he's going to wake up or if he's going to wake up at all. 

I'm just sitting here at my computer. I don't really talk much anymore, but who cares? What am I going to say to explain how I'm feeling right now? I'm so scared! I'm afraid that he won't wake up, and I'm afraid of what that really means. What they really could mean, not only for me, but for his family, his teammates, for the guy you kicked him. What are we all going to do? 

I feel bad because I've been kind of cold with Natalie. I love the girl, and she told me that she loves me too. I've got to admit when she told me I was a bit taken aback given the situation that we were in, but my heart still fluttered and I wanted to kiss her--but all I could do was give her a small smile, then go back to freaking out about Josh internally.

I go to school mechanically again. Mariana is worried about me, Natalie is worried about me, Ms. Forman is worried about me, but I can't worry abou anything or anyone but Josh. What the fuck am I going to do?

- Mia Clarke 


Natalie's POV: 

One day later.

I stared at Mia. It seemed as if I was doing more staring than talking these days. She always had the same facial expression on her face, but I knew it was forced, it was more than forced, it was glued to her face as a shield. 

What could she hide that I haven't already seen? 

The same thought passed through my head daily. Why would she hide from me? Me of all people? Or Mariana for that matter? We've both seen her at her worst and beyond. There's nothing that either of us wouldn't do for her. I love her and so does Mariana, she has to know that. 

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