Chapter 10: Mixed Signals

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  • Dedicated to Ingrid Navarrete


Mia: What does he want?

Me: Not sure.

Yes! She cares!

Mia: Hm, whatever. I guess, I'll tty when you have the time..

Me: Don't be that way..

Mia: How else should I be?

Her question had me stumped. How did I want her to be? I want her attention...I want her to want my attention, not just give up. Then it dawned on me--She thinks that's what I want! Fuck! How am I gonna show her that's not it?

I typed out the text message, then thought about what I was telling her and if the message was clear enough for her. I knew I had to be somewhat straightforward...But I didn't want to push it either. Here goes nothing.

Me: Like you were at the soccer fields.


Mia's POV: 

Over the next few days I didn't know what to do. I never texted Natalie back after reading her text the other night, when she told me to be like I was at the soccer fields. I mean, that just blew my mind. So, every morning, I'd get ready without looking out of my window, go down to my car, then honk my horn. Natalie would come out, tap on the glass, get in the car, and we'd be on our way to school. 

In complete silence.

The only time we spoke to each other was in class, in passing, or when we needed to arrange when we were going home from school, etc. There was no outside communication. This was probably mostly my fault, but what was I supposed to do? I was new to this. I was scared. This girl, who I assumed to be straight was giving me the most mixed of signals. One day, she was snapping on me for trying to do what she wanted, the next we were watching sunrises--I get punched in the arm--then we're watching sunsets. Now, she's telling me she wants me to spill my heart out to her more. 

What makes it worse...she hadn't tried to make conversation with me either. She was the one who initiated it, shouldn't she be the one to spell out the boundaries, and such? What if she just wanted me to be nice to her? What if I'm over thinking this whole situation and she doesn't like me at all? Then what?

I sat in our school's lunchroom and listened to Mariana talk about some boy she was thinking of talking to, while I mulled over the Natalie situation with my head down. I really didn't know what to do, and at this point all I wanted was to be done with it. 

"Mia.." Mariana whispered into my ear all of a sudden, "Natalie has been staring at you for a last ten minutes."

My head shot up and I looked around the cafeteria rapidly until the found a set of beautiful brown eyes staring into mine. Always so breathtaking I thought as I simultaneously gasped. 

"What do you think she wants?" Mariana asked.

I looked at her, kind of irritatedly, and asked "How do you know she wants anything at all?"

She scoffed at me and rolled her eyes. "God, I swear you're not even a real girl sometimes." 


"It's all in her eyes," she continued. "She wants you to do something."

And that would be...?

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