Chapter Eighteen

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"Collette go." I whispered under my breath, "No..." she said grabbing my arm tighter. I stared into the barrel of the gun, not taking my eyes off it as  "Now!" I was getting angrier, I couldn't help it...if I move to make her leave they'll shoot I can't put her in the line of fire. I finally snapped as I heard him removing the safety from the gun "COLLETTE GO!" She jumped pushing me over slightly. The noise range in my ears, it hadn't registered what had just happened until I looked over at Collette. She looked down at her arm clutching it, barely getting a chance to look up at me before collapsing. I picked her off the ground as fast as possible ripping the black cloth off of me. "You see what you've done!" Madame Giry was scolding Andre and the officers as I raced down the back corridors, slipping in and out of the shadows to get to her dressing room. I slammed my body into the door knocking it open and laying her on the bed, Madame giry followed close behind me. "They have a carriage being readied out front to take her to the hospital." She said running up to Collette and kneeling down next to her. I nodded, "watch over her...don't let anything happen to her." I said looking down at her. I slid back behind the mirror just as officers burst open the door carrying her out of the room, I could hear Madame Giry shouting with Andre and Firmin. "Drop the charges on him and we won't charge you!" They bickered between each other but I couldn't bear to listen to them, my head was spinning and I couldn't think straight...I was angry, no not angry furious. But if I were to react I'd make the situation worse, but if I stand off to the sidelines am I mind was too fogged to concentrate I sat on the bench to the organ staring at the keys. "Stick to what you excel at Erik." I said to myself looking at a quill and paper. "Stick to what you excel at." I echoed placing my hands on the keys.

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