Chapter Three

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Collettes POV:
I longed to know what hid behind the mask if anything at all. "Why the mask." I said moving close to him.
Eriks POV:
The one question I feared most. "Why the mask." The words stung as she spoke them and my heart stopped. I didn't know how to answer I didn't want her to fear me...I loved her.
"A face that earned a mother's fear and loathing lurks beneath this mask I wish not to show you." I said resting my head in my hands. "I-I understand." She said standing back up straight. "Shall we continue." She said longingly. I looked up into her eyes they looked hurt, it's not like I lied to her I simply fear what she would think of me if she saw the true monster I was. "If you insist." I said going back to playing operas. Her angelic voice moved me, bringing me to tears. "Brava, brava, bravissima." I stood up grasping her hand. "Come you must return, I promise you...I will make sure you see your career progress." I held her hands close to me. "Come." I said leading her back to the gondola, I walked her to the chapel but disappeared before venturing further.
Collette's POV:
I haven't felt someone care so deeply about me for the longest time, I just wished I knew his great secret what he hid behind that mask. "Thank-." I turned to thank him but he was gone. "Thank you." I said under my breath. Yet I still felt his eyes on me as I said that, I left the chapel and headed up to the dormitories where I stayed I had almost forgotten about what Raphael did till I felt my cheek. I didn't have the energy nor the will power to speak to him for the rest of the day and I kept to my room.
The next Day...
I ran to get dressed for rehearsals when I was stopped by someone. "Oh madame giry im so sorry I'm late I know." I said as she stopped me. "La fille, slow have been visited haven't you." She said looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry Madame I don't know what you mean." I said confused. "The Phantom of the Opera he's visited you." She said with a little smile. "The man with the mask?" I asked confused. "Yes signora, Erik the phantom!" She said excitedly. Erik a fitting name. "Here he wrote you a letter." She said handing it to me the skull wax seal interested me. //'Oh Collette, my promise I did keep...if the two fools who run my theater choose to follow orders then maybe so it will happen if not I promise I will make it happen. ~ Phantom'// I giggled at the part of which he called Andre and Firmin fools never have I heard someone speak of them like that. "Hurry now we must get you dressed." Madame Giry said pulling me to the dressing room. I got dressed and hurriedly ran out to start dancing. I caught a glimpse of Andre and Firmin they had the same wax sealed notes in their hands...he really did send them notes. "THIS IS NOT MY KEY STOP CHANGING IT!" Carlotta screeched. "Signora it's the composers music we are following how it was written." The maestro said. "You can change it you know that!" She replied in her normal angered tone. "Signora please." The maestro tried to reason with her. All the sudden a backdrop fell atop her luckily not harming her or was it so lucky. Madame Giry was smirking. "NO NO NOT AGAIN!" Carlotta continued. "Signora these things happen. "NO FOR THREE YEARS THESE THINGS DO HAPPEN AND DO THEY CHANGE NO SO UNTIL THESE DON'T HAPPEN THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN." She said storming off the stage. "Signora!" Andre called after her. "What now." Firmin said worried. "The note." Madame Giry said. "Ah yes Collette it says here you've been taking lessons with a great tutor." Firmin said walking towards me. "Y-yes." I said nervously. "Prove these aren't a ploy for attention." Andre said following behind Firmin. I took the challenge and stepped forward as I began to sing and belting high notes that would normally cause people to cover their ears when Carlotta sang them but they wanted to hear more when I sang them. "bravissima." A whispered tone came from the shadows. "Well looks like we found our lead role." Andre said clapping. I turned Madame Giry had tears in her eyes, including Firmin. I was speechless I couldn't believe I had even sang like that in front of anybody other than the Phantom. After rehearsal I ran back to the chapel to speak with the phantom. "I-I did it Phantom...thank you or thank you very much for your kindness." I said waiting for a shape in the shadows or a voice in the distance. "Yes my angel you've impressed me. I had almost given up on seeing him until something emerged from the darkness. "Phantom!" I said standing up. " Angel you've done more than impress me." He said putting his hand out. I grabbed hold and he walked me back down the stone staircase to the gondola.

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