Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

That night I spent my time talking and chatting to the guys until one by one they drifted off to sleep. Once they were all in the land of dreams with their chests moving slowly to the sound of sleep, I moved myself to the windowsill and sat there staring at the sky through the thin, weathered glass. My eyes played dot to dot with the stars, the child in me making pictures and silly shapes among the constellations, which for once weren't blocked by dull clouds.

It'd been a while since I done this, since I actually saw and not just glanced without meaning. It was magnificent. The longer you focused on one spot more stars seemed to appear and fill what once looked like an empty space. For a brief moment I allowed a small wave of happiness wash over me, something that seem to have been distant in recent times.

I pulled my eyes away from the beauty of the night and looked at my friends, I smiled to myself as I saw Drew shift onto his side and scrunch up his nose as he moved. Bless him, I thought to myself. He looked so innocent in his slumber, in fact they all did. Their worry lines seemed to have been smoothed out by the prospect of a good dream, Laurence especially. He always looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders, like he had secret troubles that haunted him wherever he traveled, but when he was asked if anything was wrong he would always say that nothing was and that he was content.

"Tut, tut, tut." The voice said with rhythm like the dripping of a tap, slow and ever patronising. "Looks like little Shaney didn't do what I asked him to." I didn't even bother looking for the source of the voice because I knew who it was and that it was a waste of time looking for something that I knew I wouldn't be able to see.

"I thought you where going to the clearing but no. You lied. You lied and now you're not safe. You'll never be safe here." the words were spat with venom and fury which only seemed anger me.

"I am going to be perfectly safe," the same venom in was my voice, "and so will everyone else around me. You're not even real, you own no control over me."

"Oh but my dear boy you seem to not understand. It's not my control over you that you should be worried about; It's more about the lack of control you have over yourself." At that point I was sure that if I could see the face behind the voice that there would be a smirk on their lips. A smirk that would tell me that they new something I did not.

"Just leave me alone. Get the hell out of my head." I didn't want to play their games anymore.

"But I'm not in your head..." The voice faded and then there was silence.

It was unnerving and I felt like something big was going to happen. I was sat up straight in defensive position, ready for whatever was going to come my way. After a few minutes I realised how stupid I was being and relaxed back to how I was sitting before with my eyes roaming the skies.

Trying to rid my mind of the voice and the conversation I had just had I went back to thinking about my friends. I was so lucky to have people who stood by me, who trusted me even if we didn't know what the future would hold for any of us.

As I looked back around the room Laurence began to stir. The back of is hand rubbed his eyes before they fluttered open then closed again as he yawned. When he had finished his eyes scanned his surroundings until they settled on me, brows knitting together in confusion until realisation washed over him and his friendly face relaxed.

"You don't sleep do you?" His voice was thick and groggy due to what I would have once called an ungodly hour in the morning. I mearly shook my head in response as another one of his panda like yawns filled the room. "Not at all?" I shook my head again.

"Not at all, well not anymore that is. Not since this." I quietly replied and gestured to my body. He nodded once and pushed the blanket off of himself so that he could sit up. Laurence's eyes wondered around the room again, taking in all of the other boy's peaceful faces as they slept. Those boys slept in some weird positions I'll tell you that for nothing. Luke was sprawled out across his bed with his head hanging off the edge, Kier was pretending to be a starfish with his chest flush to the floor, head turned to the side with a small amount of dribble beginning to drip out, and Drew was snuggled up in the corner with his knees to his chest hugging the blanket for dear life. Laurence and I looked at each other before letting out a small chuckle, but then his face turned serious.

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