Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

Everyone apart from Drew left the room who stayed with me until he had to leave to fulfill his duties for the Garrison. When I was left alone I lay on Drew's bed and pondered on times gone by. I thought of the times when things were simple, times when I was fighting vampires and not turning into one. I sighed and battled my way through Drew's mess to the window which had the most splendid view of the gardens.

All of the small hedges that formed the miniature maze were trimmed to perfection with not a single leaf out of place. Two children who couldn't be any older then seven laughed as they chased each other around the foliage, turfing up the mud as they ran without care in the world. I envied them. I wanted to have their innocence and to be worry free.

But I couldn't.

As far as I knew I saw slowly shifting into another from, something monstrous and terrifying. I turned away from the window, not wanting to intrude on the children's play and went back to the bed.

I hadn't slept in days but tiredness hadn't washed over me and I honestly didn't know if it ever would again. The weird thing was that I didn't feel the need to sleep, I seemed to be more awake then ever and noticing every detail of minor things.

So I guess there were some perks to this whole situation.

I was told that Luke had been informed as to my situation and he was more then happy that I was out of "that horrid shithole" that I "shouldn't have put in in that first place". Now we needed to either try to convince people that I was harmless, to them anyway, and that I wouldn't hurts a single human life in any way or find somewhere else and start a new life away from those who knew my face and the recent chapters of my my life.

I thought it through over and over while I was in Drew's room and in the end I came to a single conclusion and that was that they both seem appealing yet still had their faults. Staying here would mean that I would be constantly watched, constantly feared and never to really fit in with everyone again. Those who knew would surely tell of my condition to protect the people around me so that if I were to go on a hunt for blood they would be prepared for such an event.

Leaving and starting somewhere new sounds like a great plan, with all it perks like no one knowing my past therefore I can continue with my future, until you realise what you are leaving behind. Countless friends and family members would have to say their goodbyes as well as the difficulty of finding somewhere I could just turn up unannounced and have shelter. Then there would be the task I finding and maintaining a job as well as try to keep my head down and out of trouble.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the door being swung open in one hard swift motion. Instinct kicked in and I was on my feet with my head whipping towards the door in a fraction of a second.

It was too late.

I couldn't hide because they'd already seen me so I just stood there staring back at who had just entered the room.

In a flash Rogers had produced two knives out of what seem like thin air and I nervously rolled my lip into my mouth. She stared at me cautiously trying to anticipate my next move but I just stood there waiting for her to do something.

"Cyrus?" She breathed, "what are you doing in here?" The knives were still tight in her grip and her stance prepared to attack.

"I- I I'm sorry, please don't blame Drew. He thought I wouldn't be found if I stayed on here." I stuttered.

"But why are you not in your cel l?" her face changed into a frown. "Wait, Drew's hiding you?"

I panicked and noises stumbled out of my mouth. Technically Drew was hiding me. Technically they all were. I didn't know what to say, I didn't want any of them to be punished because of me. I thought for a second to allow to form words.

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