Chapter 8

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Buzz. That seemed to be all the damned phone did. Every morning it wriggled and sang under my head when I don't want it to. One day I will actually throw it at a wall, but when I throw thing at walls I end up with glass in my foot. A foot still hurt from the day before, that silly bit if glass.

The day before.

This all happened the day before, that meant I should be in Arindale. But I wasn't there, I was stuck in my messy bedroom preparing for a day at school.

I didn't know what was going on, I was panicking. So many thoughts were going around in my head, the main one was am I dead?

I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure about a lot. I just knew that I had to find answers, so I got ready for school and headed for the bus stop.

On that morning the sun bright and shining, maybe a little to much, and it took longer than usual for my eyes to adjust. For once I was there on time and not running down the road still trying to do my tie. maybe I walked a little faster because I wanted to know what was going on. When the bus did arrive and I climbed on the smell hit me like walking into a glass door, which i've done multiple times. Sweat and rotting things is not a pleasant thing when your half awake.

When I arrived at school Laurence was waiting with his classic tip of the hat and cheeky grin.

"Morning darling."

"Alright Panda boy?"

"Yeah, apart from the fact that I have to be here," he said while gesturing to his surroundings. "How's your morning so far?"

"Hell," I shrug "I don't like people, or buses, or the sun, or mornings."

"Well your a barrel of joy this morning. Must have have had a bad dream or something." I sigh, he doesn't even known the half of it, he doesn't even know if I dream, I don't even know if I dream. I don't know if I'm dreaming now of if this is reality. I take in and deep breath and sigh.

Laurence and I trudge through the entrance of school and meet up with Luke who is sat by the tree twirling a random drumstick in his hand. He looked peaceful and calm, but then that may have been because he hadn't actually woken up yet. As we approached he looked at us and showed us a drowsy grin. Definitely not awake yet.

"You okay there bud? You look as high as a kite," Laurence said before placing himself next to Luke who shook his head and replied.

"Nah, I'd never touch that shit."

They were talking really loudly and I don't know if it was them being louder than normal or just me not quite being as bright eyed and bushy tailed as I thought I was. I shrugged it off and sat down with them anyway, listening to them talking about a song that they both liked while we waited for the rest of the gang to get here.

After about ten minutes of waiting a sweet smell drifted past me. It was a mixture of chocolate and coffee and seemed familiar, so very familiar, but I had no idea what it was until I saw a little blonde boy in his black jeans and biker boots round the corner and head towards us. Drew. I knew I recognized the smell, his smell, but why could I smell it from so far away? Once Drew come over and made us all smile with his crap new joke and bed hair I forgot about it and continued with my morning as if it were any other.

The first few lessons seemed to go by like any other, if you dismiss the fact that everyone was being really loud, the lessons were slow, boring and I was starting to get a head ache. Not one of those little ones that after about five minutes you forget about them but the kind where you feel and hear every heart beat and every time you move your head you're in agony.

By the time I arrived in Maths it was like I had a little guy in my head swinging around my axe and hitting the inside of my head like it was a pick axe in a mine. When I took my normal next to Kier he looked worried, and he's not really one to show that kind of emotion.

"You okay?" he asked, his voice full of concern, "because you look like you've been dead for two days?"

"Wow thanks Kemp, you really know how to boost my ego." I sighed, "And stop talking so loud it hurts."

After saying that I rested my head in my hands and ignored everything Kier and the teacher were saying. By this point I just wanted to go home and curl up in bed in the dark but unfortunately I was stuck there, in the middle of a maths lesson. I banged my head on the desk and immediately regretted it as the little guy was causing more damage in my head.

"Dude, you should go home or something," Kier mumbled still slightly taken back from what I had spoken before.

"Can't. Mums at work, anyway I'll be fine in a bit. It'll go away." I reassured him and went back to not listening to the teacher. Kier then dropped the subject and just sat quietly next to me giving me a side glance every now and then to make sure I was okay which was kind of sweet even if a little annoying.

When lunch was finally upon us I was glad to be out of the sweaty and slightly smell, which I never noticed before, classrooms. Only four of us gathered under the tree because Luke had to go to the dentist but it was cool because we were going to see him after school at Laurence's house for a horror movie marathon. The fresh air was welcoming and being in the shade while feeling a soft breeze was helping my head; the guy wasn't so active anymore but now I was starting to itch. It was a weird kind of itch because it felt like it was under my skin and it was almost burning.

By the end of lunch both my arms had slightly gruesome marks from where I'd been scratching and Drew was currently walking behind me while holding my wrists to try and stop me from causing more damage. But on the bright side I had RE/Philosophy & Ethics next... Life was good.

Drew walked me all the way to the classroom to 'stop me from scratching' but I bet Kier had something to do with it as he was still glancing at me when he thought that I was blissfully unaware. Once my company had left me it started to go downhill. Fast.

Most of the class where already sat in their seats when I walked in, the was bad thing number one. They were all staring at me as I sat down, bad thing number two. Someone made a comment about Drew walking me here and us 'holding hands in a messed up queer way', bad thing number three. The atmosphere was so suffocating I could hardly breath, bad thing number four. James Mathews walking in like her owned the place and then sitting in his seat giving me an evil smirk, bad thing number five and six. Me blacking out and loosing consciousness, bad thing number seven.

Bosh! I finally updated in celebration of 500 reads! So thank you very much if you are still reading.

Please vote and comment to let me know what you think or if you see any mistakes or something.

This chapter goes out to the lovely and beautiful Rosie!

And stay tuned and all that crap.

Ellie ^-^

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