Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

In frustration I rolled over and grabbed my phone. The stupid alarm was going off and it was vibrating right under my head. Not something I enjoy waking up to.

I miss my phone when I'm in Arindale. I miss people only being a call away, I miss the music and songs that I have. One thing that I don't miss in Arindale is school, you see there I went through training instead. I learned how to stay alive, how to fight, life skills and all of that kind of stuff, but in that damn town I had to go to school and learn maths. Who even likes maths?

It was okay though because at the end of each day in this life I know that there was only a matter of closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep between me and getting to live the life anyone would dream of. But today it was a Monday morning and I needed to get ready for school.

It took me 10 minutes to brush my teeth, wash my face and change into my horrible, ugly school uniform. The uniform was a white shirt, black trousers, a black blazer with a tie in the school colours of blue and gold. Sounds like is was delightful, doesn't it?

Flattening my hair down, and sort of styling it I ran down the stairs to be greeted by my mother making her morning cup of tea.

"Morning love," she said as she smiled at me. Giving her a grunt in response I went to the cupboard the find something to eat.

"Your going to be late and I can't take you because I need to go to work, so hurry and don't miss the bus." Mum warned me as she walked out of the kitchen and headed up the stairs. So I grabbed a chocolate bar and my school bad before putting on my shoes and walking out of the door.

The journey it's self was boring, I got to see the same thing every time. Nothing seemed to change apart from the seasons and the way they affected the leaved. I even passed the same people who were trying to get to work every morning and there was always that one woman who tried to juggle about three bags and a child as she tootled to her car.

The bus pulled into one of the bays at school and everyone started to stand up to get off the bus. I stayed in my seat in order to avoid the rush and got off last, and when I did get off Laurence was waiting for me.

Here's the weird thing about my life, well one of them because my life is pretty messed up, everyone is the same in both world. They have the same face, the same voice, they even have the same personality for crying out loud. But this leads to misunderstandings because I can't remember if a conversation happened in in this crap place or Arindale. And for some reason I'm the only person who has a different name. As I said, weird.

"Morning," Laurence greeted me as I got off the bus and he pretended to tip his hat. I just laughed and shoved him out the way.

"You know you look creepy when you wait right by the door. You should see the looks some of the little kids give you," I told him as I shook my head and tried not to smile.

"What are you talking about? I brighten up their Monday mornings." he said and smirked at me.

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