Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

"Barrone! Get your ass out of bed you lazy little fu-"

"I'm up!" I shouted at Drew and chucked a pillow at the door where he continued to bang his fist against it.

"Good," he said at a volume that I could actually tolerate at that time in the morning. "Rogers wants us all in the hall before everyone is else is in there for breakfast," his voice becoming distant as it trailed away from the door with him.

I sat up and stretched my arms out making that awkward groaning noise. By how bright it was outside I could tell that it was about five in the morning, but just the make sure I checked my pocket watch. 5:09, damn I'm good. I got changed out of my pyjamas and into a pair of tight black trousers, a once white now not so much shirt, my black and white striped neck tie and, a brown waistcoat, then I clasped the end of the chain of my watch to a button on the waistcoat and put the other end in my pocket.

I walked over to the small mirror that I had and chuckled at my appearance, my hair was sticking up in all directions. I tried to flatten it but nothing was working so I decided to wear my goggles on my head to keep my hair down. Once I had slipped on my boots I walked out of my room and headed down the corridor towards the hall.

When I arrived everyone was there apart from one.

"Where's Kier?" I asked as I sat down.

"Apparently Kier still isn't good at getting out of bed." Luke told me while shaking his head.

"He has gotten better though," Laurence chipped in, "he was even worse when we were little." He smiled a little as he spoke.

"Look, I don't care if he hates mornings, but when I give an order for you all to be here you all need to be here." Captain Rogers sighed.

About 5 minutes later Kier walked into the hall. His hair was looking perfect, his clothes annoyingly neat, and a huge grin on his face. As he took a seat between Laurence and I then he asked

"What have I missed then?"

Rogers gave him a flat look and spoke.

"Nothing, you've missed nothing because we've been waiting for your lazy ass to get out of bed and finish doing your hair." Then she turned to the rest of us. "Okay, I called you all here for a reason, and that reason is that we've found another nest."

I couldn't believe it, we knew there would be others out there but this made it more real. What I wanted to know was the exact number of nests out there, but we would never be able to find out for certain.

"The nest is about a mile east of The Northern Village, we think that this might be one of the bigger nests so we need to be prepared." The atmosphere was heavy and weighed down on all of us. Drew broke the silence.

"Prepared for what?" he asked even though we all new the answer.

"We're going in, killing as many as we can or maybe all, then we get out. Hopefully we will all leave unharmed, but that may not be the case." Rogers answered not looking at any of us but stairing down at her hands. "Be ready to at 5:00 tomorrow morning." Then she stood up and left. Rogers hated giving that order, the amount of numbers we have lost by doing this is way more then then we would like to think about, but we've managed to wipe out four nests from the order. The more of them dead the more of us live. That's how you have to think of it to deal with the loss.

"Damn, another early start." Kier said while shaking his head, He was trying to lighten the mood bless him, and luckily it worked because Luke joined in the conversation.

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