Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

"Okay, so we leave in five minutes. You all know the plan, right?" We all nodded at Captain Rogers' word. "Good. Have you got it Drew?" He nodded, not speaking which wasn't normal for Drew because we tend to try to keep him quiet. "Alright, equipment check and then we can go."

When we had made sure that we had everything we headed out of the hall and towards the back of The Building to where the stables were.The horses were saddled so we climbed on and head north through the thick forest.

When we left the forest we rode over agricultural land, and where the stream had become a river, and then towards The Northern Village. The ride took us almost four hours including a short rest for the horses and enough time to have something to eat.

The Northern Village was run down to put it nicely, the small houses had broken windows and too many people in them. Unkept plants managed to blanket the rubble of destroyed houses, random objects littered our path. This was the place that that had it the worst, the place that was hit the hardest.

Once the villagers had noticed our presence we were invited into the village leaders house. It was the biggest house and by the looks of it the best kept, therefore the best protected. When we entered the house we were surrounded by people. We were told that anyone who wished could stay here and they would be protected from our enemies, so that is what many people did.

We rested until we moved out in order to get to the nest to attack at midday, when that sun was at its highest and the vampires were most vulnerable. We left the horses in the care of the villagers and only took our weapons and the medical bags that we all had strapped to our belt. Captain Rogers lead us over a hill and towards a small wood, when we were a little distance away from it she turned around to talk to us.

"Okay boys, the nest is in a clearing in the middle of that wood. We are all going to walk in together from this side, when we're on the fringe of the clearing we will separate and all come in from different angels on my signal. They should all be asleep or hiding inside the cabin that they occupy so we need to approach with the up most stealth and caution." She looked at every single one of us in the eye before saying one final thing, "keep your weapons close, and make it out with a beating heart. Let's roll."

We took cautious steps towards the clearing. We were about fifty feet away from the edge and one hundred from he cabin itself. The cabin was run down and falling apart, it's once bright wood was now faded into a dreary grey, panels falling off and coming looses. The stench of stale blood was think in the air, cooking in the midday sun.

We started to separate, putting a greater distance between our companions with every step. We hid, crouched down behind bushes and waited for Rogers to give the signal and it would go around all of us until it got back to her so that she knows we got it.

I looked at Drew who was to the left of me, he stuck his middle finger up at me and mouthed "signal, pass it on."

I turned to my left to face Kier and waved my arm a bit to get his attention. When he looked over I gave him a thumbs up and mouthed to him what Drew had said to me then waited to watch Kier pass it back to Rogers who I couldn't see but knew was there. Another message came round saying we were good to go and then Roger stood up and came into view so we all did the same.

We emerged out if the bushes like a cat stalking it's prey. We took slow steps and had a low centre if gravity in order to be as silent as possible. Our weapons were out and poised to strike.

The cabin was less than ten feet away from us now.

Nine feet.

Eight feet.

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