That's What Best Friends are For: Part 1

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"That's what best friends are for!"

I was talking to Penny, who on the other hand was flustered.

On the other side of the room was Skye Parkin, daughter of Ethan Parkin and a member of the famous Parkin family who founded the Wigtown Wanderers Quidditch team.

Penny has always admired Skye and had developed a crush on her.

She first revealed her crush to me a few months ago when the whole school found out that I had a crush(Why, Snape, why. What did I ever do to make you say it out loud for the whole school to know about it).

Penny found me in the artifact room and comforted me. I was about tell her that my crush was her, she said something that broke my heart into a million pieces.

"I  have someone that I fancy too. It's Skye."

I stopped and stared at her like she's a stranger.

"Thanks for comforting me, Penny, but I need to go now."

I immediately left after that and ran back to my dorm.

When I got back to my dorm, I laid down on my bed and thought about what happened. After a few days, I decided that I'll set aside my feelings for Penny because I love her. I don't want her to get hurt because of my selfish desires.

That's why I've decided to play the matchmaker for the both of them and that's how I got here.

"Hey, Skye!" I hollered across the table and Skye looked at me and asked

"What?" while eating.

"Are you going to the Yule Ball?"

"No thanks, the most important thing right now is to practice so we can win."

"Everyone in our year are going to the Yule Ball, Skye."


I finished talking and looked back at Penny, who was blushing furiously.

"Thanks, Mc." she mumbled before becoming anxious and excited.

"What am I going to wear for the party? What am I going to do?"

Penny kept questioning herself and I knew that she was going to need more confidence.

"Penny, calm down. I got just the person to help you..."

"...So you want me to create a dress for you to wear in the Yule Ball."

Andres was excited about making her outfit of the Yule Ball.

"Who's going to be your date?" he asked Penny while measuring her.

"Skye Parkin, if she accepts."

"What about you, Mc. Who's going to be your date?"

He kept insisting on making my outfit too, so I asked for a suit.

"...I haven't decided on it yet. Maybe Badeea." I answered casually.

"WHAT!" Penny and Andres were shocked.

"What?" I asked, confused.


This time, it was my turn to be shocked.

"NO! Badeea is NOT my crush, OK. I'm just asking her to be my partner for the dance. What's wrong with that?"

"Oh." They both sound disapointed.

I ignored it.

After, I left to ask Badeea if she would be my Celestal Ball partner.

Penny Haywood one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang