A Date in France

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This time, the love birds will visit France and what dishes will they try now? Please read this to find out. I'm also organizing the chapters so if you want to read my other chapters/oneshots, you don't need to scoll forever to find the next part.

"MC, wanna go on a date?" Penny asked me this evening.
"I'm fine with it, but where do you want to go?"
"Well, I was thinking of France."
"OK, but what do you want to eat though?"
"Since we're going to France at noon, I want to try some Crêpe and Ratatouille for lunch and desert."

It was a week later when we got to France, we visited the Louvre Museum, where we looked at artifacts and to be honest, we were both fascinated by the amount of artifacts there were in this place. Even for a muggle.

After visited the Louvre Museum, we went to eat some Crêpes(strawberry for Penny, Chocolate for me) after eating Ratatouille, which was very tangy and delicious.

For the rest of the day, we went to Disneyland(classic) and I rode all the ride, EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. THEM.

After we had our fun, we went to a very fancy restaurant and a chef named Clare Smyth served us 2 servings of Steak Tartare right after I said my name(they asked). Turns out, my family was very famous in the muggle world(I didn't even know) and the best chef made this. "Thanks, uh, Ms.Smyth." As I mixed the egg yolk and raw steak together, the mixture looked gross. Gathering my courage, I took a bite out of Steak Tartare and to my surprise, it tasted good. I looked over at Penny, who seemed to enjoy the dish before finishing it. As the dessert came, I was more than ready to scarf it down. The Crème brûlée had rich custard base topped with a texturally contrasting layer of hardened caramelized sugar. As I used a silver spoon and pushed it down to get a small bite of the Crème brûlée, the hardened caramelized sugar's crack was satisfying. As I tasted it, the rich custard base almost melted in my mouth.

"Mmmn! If Penny wasn't my girlfriend, then I probably wouldn't have control myself. The Crème brûlée was that good." As I was smiling, I looked in front of me and my smile faltered.

"Oh,uh, I think we're finished I'm going to the cashier to pay for it."

As we left after I paid for it, Penny huffed.

"It was just a joke, Pen. I'll never actually date someone else other than you."
"...Really?" She lifted her head up.
"Yes really." I leaned in and kissed her forhead, making her blush.
"Well....I guess I'll forgive you." Penny mumbled.

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