till kingdom come

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She took a breath to steady herself, before storming into the pub. She wore a long flowery dress blue dress, which attempted to hide her massive stomach. Her stomach was super tight, she peed every five minutes, her ankles were so swollen, she couldn't see, or feel the bones in her feet anymore. No matter how she stood or shifted her weight, her feet ached as if she had run a triathlon, and her back felt like she was carrying a baby elephant that was the shape of a mini watermelon. But none of this was new. She was actually quite thankful this had been left out of the pregnancy packet, because some days she wasn't quite sure that if she had been given all the information she would have fallen through with it.

Yes, her child would be adorable and precious and he/she may or may not be the savior of the Wizarding World, but... she really had to hold onto that thought when her joints ached to high hell.

But soon, very soon, she would pop the baby out and then the agony would be over. James would take the baby, and she would slip into a tiny coma, not a surprise one, but just enough for her to deflate and return to her normal state of being, where she looked like a person and not an air balloon.

Before she could do that though, she had to enter the pub, so she gripped the door, her wand in her other hand and cautiously walk inside. She kept one hand on her stomach protectively and thankfully she didn't have to look for him at all. He was currently trying to take out two tall, heavy blokes by rugby tackling them. Mad Eye waddled over to her, a look of exasperation on his face.

"Sorry to bother you, Potter," he said sincerely, noting her protruding stomach.

Lily nodded dismissively. "It's fine. Thanks Alastor."

"Are you sure you should be-"

"I've got this," Lily told him with a sigh. She shot a spell to bring Sirius to her feet, ripping him away from the men roughly, tearing his shirt in the process.

"I know he started it," Lily stated frankly to the men when they faced her, their eyes beady and full of revenge. She threw them some coins. "Have a free drink on him, and I will get him out of your hair."

One of them growled, and took a step towards her and Lily slashed her wand through the hair and out sprouted out some vines that clamped to him and stuck him to the wall. His friend blinked in surprise, but Lily rounded on him before he could get any ideas. If her fixed glare wasn't potent, her firm grip on her wand was.


"Sirius Black, move," Lily ordered him, staring down at him, "or so help me god-"

Sirius stood up to his full height, "Lily-"

"No," she spat furiously, "I'm nine months pregnant, Sirius. You do what I tell you, or I will give birth at you."

He swiped his bloody jaw on his sleeve and stormed out of the bar, his glass still in his hand.

"You can't run away from me!" she scoffed incredulously, "I'm eight and a half months pregnant! There has to be a law against this!"

"Lily," He began shortly, going into the alleyway, "I don't want to-"

"And that's why you have to."

He threw his glass at the back brick wall, the pieces shattering everywhere. Sirius went to punch the wall, and he did it. Again and again the sound of his hand crunching, and the side of his blood spreading all over the wall. Lily flinched, and let out a choked sob. Her eyes were overflowing with tears, and her lips were trembling at the sight of it. "Stop."

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