Float On

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Quidditch trials were unnaturally early, in order to allow James enough time to weed through the "unlikely"s and post the final team roster on the Gryffindor bulletin board. He said that it was because of the Hogsmeade trip that was scheduled for later on that day, but everyone knew better.

James woke up first; his pale face was bright with pure uncontrollable excitement. He felt like there was nothing that could bring him down from the high of the first day of Quidditch. Of course, Sirius was still sound asleep. So as soon as he was fully dressed in his Quidditch gear, he turned and dive bombed Sirius's bed.


"WHAT THE HELL!" Sirius shouted furiously, clutching his aching body. "You jumped on me in your gear?"

James grinned menacingly.

"Sure did! Get up! We have trials!"

"I'm already on the team!" Sirius whined, rolling under his pillow. "I don't need to be there."

"Yes you do! You have to help me pick the new Beater, remember?"

Sirius let out a defeated groan.

"I hate mornings…they are so evil and hateful…and so bright."

"Come on, Paddy," James snatched his pillow and threw it across the room out of Sirius's reach.

Sitting up shirtless, Sirius scratched his head and yawned.

"Fine. I'll be down in five."

"If I don't see you in five minutes exactly, I'm sending Marlene up to get you."

Sirius scoffed and stood up, scratching his growing facial hair.

"Like that's a threat."

"It is," James grinned, grabbing his broom and heading down to the common room.

Rick Vance, Emmeline Vance's older brother was passed out on the couch. His blonde hair was almost covering his eyes as the large Keeper snoozed on the couch in full uniform. Marlene was sitting next to him; she was fully awake, and her bright blonde hair was pulled off her little face with a crimson and gold headband to keep it in place. She also had thick black warrior stripes half an inch under dazzling sky blue eyes. James grinned at her affectionately, proud to see that at least one of his friends had the same enthusiasm he was sporting so well.

"Captain," she smirked up at him. "Where's Black?"

"Brushing his teeth and probably shaving," James shrugged. "If he takes longer than a few minutes, I'm going to take Vance to breakfast, and I'm going to need you to go get him."

She saluted him.

"Aye, aye, Captain!"

"…Did you find him down here like that?" James laughed as Rick Vance began to drool on the pillow he was plastered against.

"No, a minute after I came down here, he stumbled down the staircase and fell onto the sofa…I'm actually surprised you didn't hear him. He made quite a bit of noise."

Shrugging, James ran a hand threw his hand through his hair and let out a slow breath.

"We have thirty people coming out today…I feel it's going to be a long day."

"Well if there's one thing that you can handle, it's Quidditch," Marlene told him with complete and total confidence.

"Thanks, Mar." He grinned at her and then checked his watch. "Go get Sirius. I'll take the lug."

In a flash, Marlene swung around the room and bounded up the steps while James used his wand to pour ice-cold water onto his sleeping teammate. Rick's thick, six foot three inch form jolted like he'd been electrocuted, his small black eyes snapping open in blind fear.

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