-Chapter Nine-

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-Third POV-

It was Jungkook's 5th class that he had finished and the bell had just rung, students packing up their bags and leaving the classroom with loud chatters. And here we have Jungkook who was still sitting down on his desk trying to quickly finish his assignment.

"Jungkook it's alright just give it and you'll finish it on Monday.." his history teacher said while standing on the door way.

The little bunny pouted but obeyed and got up to give his work to his teacher "I'll see you on Monday Mister!" Jungkook said as he skipped his way out of the classroom. Once he got out the class, the hallways were filled with students and some kept pushing each other to make it on time for class.

'ugh I should have left early so I could find Yoonie hyung easily'

Jungkook said as he was making his way through the crowd of students. Occasionally saying 'Sorry's' as he bumped into some people. As he was making his way through the crowd, he felt a pair of arms around his waist and tighten there grip onto his thin waist, than pulling him aside to a dark empty hallway.

Jungkook let out a yelp and tried to take the person's hands off his waist "H-Hey !! Let go..!" He said as he starts squirming around, the other person was just chuckling and turned him around to push him against the wall.

Jungkook looks up and sees who it was, he widens his eyes as he froze in his place, not moving and starts sweating.

"D-Daehyun.." Jungkook whispered under his breath, Daehyun just smirking and putting his index finger under Jungkook's chin "Hey there cutie~" he leaned in close to Jungkook's face and trapped him between his arms.

"D-Daehyun, please move ! Don't touch me !" Jungkook told him as he tilted his head the other way, ignoring him 'Damn it I should've left early...I'm totally fucked' Jungkook thought as he got pushed more against the wall, he groaned a bit and bit his lip.

"Who cares. I'm in charge here and Yoongi won't be here to save you, and none of these students won't do anything about it." Daehyun growled, leaning close to Jungkook's neck and biting it a bit too hard, causing Jungkook to let out a high pain of whimpers, tears forming his eyes.

"P-please..no!" Jungkook said he attempts to get out of his grip, but fails as Daehyun is much stronger than him, he was going to kick him but than out of nowhere, someone punches Daehyun on the side of his waist, making him groan in pain and falling on the floor while holding the side of his waist "What the hell?!"

It was no other than Yoongi. Jungkook was relieved and he went behind him, hiding himself from Daehyun as Yoongi puts an arm out, protecting him.

"Hey didn't I fucking tell you to stay away from him you fuck head?!" Yoongi growls as he clenched both of his fists together "Get near him again, I will easily break each and every one of your bones." He said as he grabs Jungkook's hand and drags him out the dark hallway, heading straight to the boys bathroom.

Jungkook felt his heart raising, a slight blush appearing on his face with stained tears on his cheeks as Yoongi held his hand. They both entered the bathroom and Yoongi closed the door, making sure it was locked.

He turns around and sees Jungkook, dry and new tears were on his face, he narrowed his eyes down to see a purple mark on his neck, which made his blood boil but calmed down.

"Hey you alright? Did he touch you? Did he do anything else ? Did he-" he got interrupted as Jungkook jumped into his arms and hugged him, burying his face in his chest and nuzzling against it.

"Th-thank you.." Jungkook whispered as he looks up at him, tears rolling down his cheeks. Yoongi felt his heart ache, seeing him like that just made him sad and make his eyes soften at the sight "Hey hey..don't worry it's okay..I'm here and I got you just in time. I'm sorry I wasn't there to get you off him quickly..." Yoongi felt guilty but Jungkook quickly said it was okay and to not blame himself.

"I-it's okay..but thank you. Although my neck hurts from the biting, he didn't hurt me in anyway other than the biting." Jungkook told him as Yoongi starts examining his neck "let's go to the nurse and get you an ice pack, mkay?" Yoongi suggested as he turns to open the door to exit, jungkook following behind.

As they were walking down the hallway, Yoongi slid his hands to the side of his waist and pulled him closer, along with holding Jungkook's hand into his own, inter wining them together. He, of course, didn't mind and got himself closer to him smiling up to him and getting comfortable, Yoongi returning the smile back as they were close to the nursery.

'Jungkook...I'll be here for you, always'

Yoongi can't wait to ask him out on a date, he will plan it and to make sure it will go perfect. He can't help it, he needs to do it before anyone snatches his first love's heart.

Someone wasn't very happy to see them together and they will just have to try even harder for them to separate from each other.

"Oh don't worry I'm sure my plan will work out well...we will just wait for the perfect time" they chuckle as the other person only smirks and sees Yoongi and Jungkook enter the nursery.

Things weren't going to be pretty.

Edit: y'all already know what M about to say so continue reading. But also try and reread some chapters, like I said, I made a few changes.

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