Chapter One: Run

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The young man inhaled deeply, the cold burning his lungs. Snow flurrying around him, he descended the mountain to the cozy town resting below. It was a beautiful sight, snow caressing the sleeping trees, reminiscent of a young spring day. Birds chirped quietly from their perches, lulled to sleep by the bubbling of a nearby river gliding down the mountain side.

Thoughts of his family gripped his mind. As the eldest son, it is his duty to take care of them, thick and thin. Admittedly, it's hard. Their small home needed constant maintenance and he couldn't provide them with the most luxurious life. However, as he took in the beautiful sight before him, a tranquil daze brushing over his senses, he couldn't help but smile happily as he thought of them; guilt tugged at his heart as he remembered his baby sibling's disappointed faces after insisting he go to town on his own. Determined, he made a mental note to make it up to them once he returned home.

Readjusting the grip he had on the coal basket against his back, he stepped into the town. It looked the same as always, the same wooden homes lined up in a neat row, snow covering their roofs and the dirt pathway dividing them. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, the pleasant, fresh scent of the still forest mixing with the Winter bite of ice and smoke.

"Oh! If it isn't Tanjiro-chan!"

The attention of the town quickly flocked to the 16 year old, who nodded and smiled warmly at the town's residents.

"You went down the mountain on a day like this? I'd expect nothing else from our town's hardest worker! Keep it up!"

"Oi! I want to buy some charcoal!"

"Thanks for repairing my sliding door the other time!"

" I also want some charcoal!"

He nodded, and began to slide the strap from his shoulder as-


Startled, Tanjiro glanced up as Suke ran towards him, dragging the teahouse owner behind him. His nose dripped blood. Suke looked up at him, cradling a cloth with broken porcelain pieces. He thrusted the cloth at Tanjiro.

"Please help me! Can you tell who broke these dishes? Please smell it!"

He looked up at the eldest Kamado, his eyes wide as he pleaded for the boy to help him. Without a moment's hesitation, Tanjiro leaned down, his hanafuda earrings gliding against his cheek and sharp jaw.

"It smells like a cat."

The teahouse lady glanced at the boy, relaxing her grip on Suke, "Really?"

"See! I told you it wasn't me! Just like I said!"

Tanjiro laughed as Suke yelled. Veins standing out against his skin, Suke celebrated. The teahouse lady narrowed her eyes at the young man, and thwack! Her fist left a knot on the back of the young man's head. Tanjiro chuckled, the coal shifting in his basket. Ducking his head farewell at Suke and the teahouse lady, he moved forward, noticing a figure bent with the weight of several small bundles. Tanjiro rushed forward, the coal in his basket clacking against the basket.  He picked up several fallen bundles off the snowy floor.

"Ojii-san!" He picked up a small blue parcel. "Why did you not call somebody to help you?"

Slowly, the old man carrying the bundles looked up at Tanjiro.

"Oh, Tanjiro!" The old man flashed a toothy grin. "Can you help me carry this luggage?"

Smiling, he took the bundles from the old man's rough hands, "Of course! You shouldn't be pushing yourself too hard, Ojii-san! Give me the bundles, and rest."

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