"This is amazing!" His eyes sparkled with amazement as he hopped out of his car. I noticed there were about three other car in our driveway so I supposed my aunts, uncles, and cousins had come to join us.

"Really?" I scoffed as I walked up the sidewalk to the house. Zayn had veered right and was amazed with the tree in our front year.

"This is the most perfect climbing tree i've ever seen!" He was giddy with excitement and I couldn't put my finger on why.

"Yeah I broke my arm falling from that tree!" I scoffed.

"I wish I would have been there to save you." He laughed and came from behind me to hug me. His strong dark arms wrapped around my waist and his lips kissed right below my ear.

"Katherine?" I heard the front door open and my dad stepped onto the front porch. Zayn and I were still in our entanglement of hugs. I broke free and ran to my father.

"I missed you so much!" I attacked him with a hug almost knocking him down.

"Missed you too Kat." He hugged me back but I could tell he was eyeing Zayn over my shoulder.

"Dad this is..." I paused not knowing whether to call Zayn my...

"Her boyfriend." Zayn stepped up and held out a hand for my dad. "Zayn Malik sir it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry I didn't give you any notice I would be coming but Katherine needed a ride home." He explained to my father. I began to forgot how much a socialite he was in New York. He was so good at talking to people he was captivating me and he wasn't even addressing me.

"Oh..." My dad processed all that Zayn had said. "Nice to meet you. Thank you for getting my little girl home." My dad smiled up at him and Zayn smiled at me.

"He is joining us for dinner dad." I said as I grabbed Zayn's hand and walked into the house. It was the same as I remember, a dining room to the left the living room to the right and the kitchen was straight ahead.

"Katherine!" My mom called but then spotted my hand in Zayn's. So did the rest of my family as I could tell the air thickened with question.

"Hello Mrs. Daily I'm Zayn Malik." He went to shake hands with my mom and one of my cousins, Rachel,  practically spit out the appetizers she was munching on.

"Manners!" My aunt Helen shushed her daughter.

"Did you just say Zayn Malik?" She began to slowly stand up to get a good look at Zayn. "Oh my god." She reached into her purse that was resting on the back of her chair. "Could you sign this?" She asked. Zayn smirked over at me and I went and joined them to see what she had. It was one of Zayn's pamphlets from his exhibit in the Museum of Modern Art.

"Rachel." My aunt urge trying not to seem embarrassed by her daughter's actions.

"Mom don't you realize we are in the presence of the richest youngest artist New York has had." She shot back at her mother. I noticed every one began to stare in awe at Zayn and he began to tense up.

"Well so what have you guys been up too?" I butted in trying to get the view off of Zayn. My family began to chat about what they had been up to in the last couple months that I hadn't been at home. Zayn and I sat down at the dining room table and I felt his hand on my thigh under the table. It worked it's way up and is mouth came close to my ear. I felt a shiver go up my spine as I felt his hot breath on my neck.

"Thank you." He slowly spoke then pulled away. The way he said it almost sounded sexual but I know he was just saying thank you because I took the attention off of him. I looked over at his gorgeous... and I mean gorgeous... face my mouth was parted as I stared at the stubble on his chin and the way his features looked like an model straight off a Paris runway. He focused his attention on me and just gave me a little wink. That he continued to be a good guest and listen to my mom talk about how amazing her new silicone cupcake tin was. I knew Zayn had no interest in the conversation but he still laughed along with her as she made a joke that only she thought was funny. I just watched him and smiled at how hard he was trying to be liked by my family.

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