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“Katherine! Get your little ass down here!” I heard Ivy shout all the way from the from the first floor of Willard. I moaned but rolled out of bed for the first time all weekend. I had been doing my history project all weekend and hadn’t had the decency to get dressed or even brush my teeth. I was still confused as too what I wanted in life. I made my way down stairs and saw Ivy, Natalie, and a few other girls crowded around the T.V.

“What?” I moaned while rubbing sleep from my eyes.

“Look at this you look slut.” Ivy loved from in front of the TV and showed me what they were crowding around.

“Breaking News! Zayn Malik’s new mystery girl?” An entertainment reporter stood in front of the video Zayn had made of us the other day. My cheeks instantly reddened as we made out with strobe lights flashing and paint all over ourselves. “The two have seemed to be getting cozy in a new video he put out this weekend on his website. Zayn wrote that the next gallery he opens will be the best one yet and everyone should be watching for upcoming work. He noted how his inspiration is bouncing off the charts from this one mystery girl.” The reporter spoke. Natalie slowly turned around to me with wide eyes.

“Oh my god!” She yelled. “He is totally obsessed!” She jumped up on the couch and tried to get me to join her but I just stood and watched the video playing on repeat behind the women on the television.

“You lucky little hoe.” Ivy shook her head as a smile stretch across her face. “I’ve never met anyone that Zayn Malik actually would waste his time with.” She crossed her arms and eyed me as she walked away. I couldn’t help but have a smile on my face as I heard what Zayn had said about me. It made me feel good that I wasn’t just some annoying kid to him.

“I could watch which forever.” Natalie stared at Zayn’s website. The home page was the short twenty second video of the music hitting a climax. We were throwing paint at each other in the beginning and it was all slow motion as the strobe lights lit up the entire frame. Then once we began kissing it went into actual speed. I was proud to be apart of it. “How does it feel to have some one famous be infatuated with you?” She asked me playfully.

“He isn’t infatuated with me.” I shook my head as I scoffed.

“You’re his inspiration!” she fought.

“We’re just friends… as of now.” I winked at her.

“So no Harry?” She smiled. I knew she didn’t want me to be with Harry because of his anger issues and family issues. Maybe Zayn was better for me. I hadn’t gotten many notes when I began to hang out with him?

“I don’t know Nat.” I gripped her shoulders to emphasize that I didn’t know anything. “I’m just so confused with everything in my life right now.” I sat down on the window seat across from her.

“This is so cliché but just see what you’re heart says. Who do you think will be good for you in the long run?” She asked. She made me think. I didn’t know either of them enough to know how they would act in the future. My mom once told me to never date a guy unless I could see a future with him. Whether that’s at least a year or a lifetime. You should really care about the person. The only problem was I cared about both of these boys a lot. Both for different reason’s too. I wanted to be someone they could both count on. Harry for mental help and Zayn for physical help.

It gave me a headache just thinking about all the ways these boys were different.

My thoughts were cut short as the front door of the house swung open and one of the girls in the house names Alice ran in with fear present in her eyes.

“It’s Meredith!” She yelled in the foyer.

“What? What about Meredith?” Natalie stood up and went to comfort Alice. Everyone began congregating in the entry way of the house as Alice caught her breath.

“She’s hurt! Someone attacked her!”

*Harry’s Pov*

“Oh my fucking god!” I heard the boys yell from my bedroom. I had shut myself in my room this weekend, with a bottle of Peace Porter and five packs of cigarettes, to get some much needed me time. I had sipped enough wine Saturday morning to give me quite the buzz.

“Whoa!” Another one shouted and I was starting to get fed up. I picked up the bottle of wine and my cigarette and made my way down stairs. The boys were crowded around Liam’s laptop as shitty techno music spilled from the speakers. I shuffled along the hallway and looked over there shoulder to try to see what they were looking at. Louis turned around and his eyes got wide as he tapped Liam on the shoulder. Liam looked back at me and smacked his computer shut.

“Harry hey.” He tried to act casual but I knew they were hiding something from me.

“What is it.” I pointed to the laptop with my cigarette.

“Nothing buddy.” Louis directed me towards the kitchen. “Want a snack? Let’s jut get away from here and I can heat up some pizza rolls.” Louis tried but I wasn’t going to give up trying to see what was on that laptop.

“Come on Liam let me see.” I took a swig of wine and glared at Liam.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Mate.” He bit his bottom lip and held his laptop closed.

“No I want to see.” I urged.

“Just show him he is bound to see.” Louis shook his head. Liam looked at Louis with a worried expression but then shook his head and turned towards his computer. He slowly opened the laptop and it booted to life. The techno song began to play again and I noticed that it was Katherine’s profile. I leaned in closer to see her because she looked amazing but then I saw who’s site the video was on. Zayn. I gritted my teeth together as I watched in slow motion him throw paint at her. How fucking weird. It was almost sexual looking as Katherine looked at Zayn and he didn’t leave her sight until she was covered with paint. I watched Liam’s face cringe in the corner of my eye and I knew exactly why he was doing once I looked back up to the screen.

They were fucking making out.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I laughed a sick twisted laugh. As I watched Zayn make out passionately with someone I thought I had. Anger boiled up inside me as I threw my bottle of Peace Porter to the floor. The whole bottle smashed sending glass everywhere.

“That little bitch.” I paced and squeezed my thumb nails into my palm. “I’m going to fucking beat his ass.” I didn’t know who I was more mad at. Katherine, for making me believe she cared about me. For making me open up to her when she was probably just going to Zayn and saying everything I told her to him. She embarrassed me in front of my guys and that is one thing you never do to Harry Styles. I was also furious at Zayn though. He was the one who has to rescue Kate the day I left her in the middle of the bar. God maybe it’s my fucking fault. Of course it’s my fucking fault when is it not. I needed to get my anger out. I threw open the door to the house and walked outside but stopped as I saw all the girls running out of Willard in pure panic.

“Natalie what’s happening?” I called as Natalie exited the house with a first aid kit.

“It’s Meredith! She’s hurt!”


I wanted to have a few chapters before a really important element in the story! Please share thoughts! What do you think Harry will do? Who hurt Meredith? 

Beautiful Disaster (H.S.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora