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I was going to get to the bottom of this. The only moment I could get Ivy alone with out her mother is basically right when she came out of her room at night to get a glass of water from downstairs. I planned it all out of how I was going to tell her I knew she was guilty for sending me these threats. Who else could it be? Ivy has hated me from day one and I know she wants me out of the house. I sat on the small staircase that lead to my room and waited… and waited.

Finally I heard her door creak open and she snuck past my small hiding place in the dark.

“Ivy!” I whisper shouted. She whirled around and gasped with her hand on her heart.

“What the hell? I almost went into cardiac arrest!” she furrowed her brows as her breathing went back to normal.

“Come here.” I grabbed her arm but she fought against me. “Ivy!” I pulled as she pulled back.. wow I was weak. She finally got her arm loose and looked at me bewildered.

“What in the world is wrong with you?” Ivy rubbed her arm where I had been gripping it.

“I need to tell you something. I am serious.” I stared at her as she tapped her foot with impatience. “please.” I begged.

“Whatever.” She pushed me to the side of the stairs and walked up into my attic room. She seemed amazed at what Natalie had done with the place but then she crossed her arms sat on my bed and stared at me.

“I know you’re the one.” I spat at her.

“That sounds so fucking creepy what are you even talking about?” She tilted her head back and laughed causing my cheeks to darken.

“You’ve been sending me these notes haven’t you?’ I dug them out of my jewelry box and threw them at her. They scattered all over the bed and her lap. She began to read them and her expression changed from amused to serious.

“I have nothing to do with this.” She looked up at me as she gathered all of them back together and set them in a neat pile beside her.

“Don’t lie to me! I know you hate me!” I scoffed as I sat down in my desk chair.

“I can honestly say Katherine I don’t know anything about this but this is really serious.” She looked through them again. “Is it someone in the house?” She turned her body towards me so we were facing each other.

“I’m pretty sure. It had to be someone in our Halloween group… I got pushed down the stairs and when I went to go through it all the actors knew my name.” I shuttered at the horrible memory.

“Well I don’t know what to say.” Ivy fumbled with her hands it was the only time I saw her be uncomfortable.

“Do you have any clues as to who it could be?” I slid to the edge of my chair.

“No, no clue. Who’s ever doing this seems to be very sneaky. Are you sure you shouldn’t listen to it?” She handed me the notes and I put them back into there hiding place.

“I can’t just give them everything they want and stop my life for a—a stalker!” I stood up and began to pace.

“Well Katherine I don’t hate you. I’m jealous of you.” Ivy said quickly as if she didn’t want me to hear it.

“What?” I spun around on my heels to face her.

“You come here you get fucking Harry Styles to fawn over you. Natalie is connected t your hip. Then Zayn Malik has you sleep over in his apartment. That doesn’t happen to just everyone Katherine. You’re one lucky son of a bitch.” She began to pick at her nails and stopped making eye contact with me.

“I don’t want to hate you Ivy. You’ve been making me wait on you and do everything you want and I’m over it. I’m just as much of a Willard girl as the rest and what you just said proved it.” I put my hands on my hips. She looked up at me with apologetic eyes.

“Friends.” She stuck out her hand.

“Friends.” I smiled, sticking out mine and shaking hers.


“Honey this is such a great school. I can’t believe I didn’t want you to come.” My mother began to pack her things. It was Thursday morning and it was the last day of parent week.

“It is a great school. I’m really enjoying it.” I shot her a toothless smile and thought about if I was telling the truth or not. On one hand, I was happy I came here and am getting all the experiences I am able to get but on the other hand I’m around ass holes and have a person threating me every couple of weeks.

“I’m sad to be leaving but I’ll see you in a couple weeks for Thanksgiving.” She kissed my forehead and zipped her bag.

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” I held her bag and we began to walk to the main floor.

“Thanks honey.” She smiled and rubbed my back. “So no boys yet? I’m surprised they aren’t swooning over you.”

“There’s one but I just don’t think it’s time yet to talk about him.” I assured her.

“Why not?”

“He’s a different one, that’s for sure.” I laughed to myself thinking about how Harry would act in front of my mother. I wondered if he would be charming or not even know how to act in front of grown ups.

“Well I won’t push meeting him but I hope to hear more about him.” She smiled over at me as I walked her to her car.

“Maybe.” I didn’t know how to respond to her because I really had no clue if Harry and I were still even friends.

“Well Hun this is goodbye.” She looked at me sympathetically. I knew it was hard for her to leave me. This was the longest I had every been away from home.

“Only three weeks.” I hugged her tight.


oh my god such a shitty chapter!!! I'm sorry i wanted a filler chapter before Zayns gallery opening. I'm going to try harder on making the chapters alot better. It may take more time to upload but i dont know i want them longer. I also have a ton of new story ideas... lol  i don't know if you guys would want to read a different story from me. I want to write something different either like greaser vs socs, 1950s, the outsiders type thing, or like dystopian society. I'd love if you guys would comment more so i could see what you guys would like to read!!!!!

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