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A week later the police called me and said I could look at Zayn's apartment to see if anything was missing or out of place. Harry insisted on going, of course, but I was happy was with me. He chose to drive to New York because he actually knew how to navigate around. I had actually been so grateful for Harry's presence. If he wasn't around to distract me then I don't know what I would actually do, I would probably be going crazy because my mind would always be focusing on Zayn. So many questions buzzed through my head if Harry wasn't with me. Who took Zayn? Where was he? Is he actually dead? Is this some insane joke someone is playing on me? Is he safe? Is he close? Is this person who is giving me notes someone I am close to? I didn't even know how to contain my thoughts anymore and headaches were becoming a daily struggle. I tried to focus on the passing forest as we drove through the heavily wooded area that surrounded Kingsley. We had been driving for about thirty minutes. The car was mostly silent except for, Bastille, who was playing softly in the background.

"Are you excited for Christmas break?" Harry asked. He kept his eyes on the road ahead of him.

"Not really." I sighed. As sad as it was I wanted to stay at school where I had Harry and my school work to occupy my mind. At home all I had was two parents who would harass me with kindness and ask, "Are you okay," every two seconds. I knew my mom would be over protective because I had called her a few times since I found out Zayn went missing and I was extremely emotional. She hated seeing me this way but what else was I suppose to do. I could never hold in emotion when it came to dealing with my mother. "What do you do during Christmas Break?" I asked, trying to get the subject off of me. "The Styles have to have something amazing planned." I grinned at him. He shook his head and smiled. I learned to love his smile. His teeth were slightly big but they were perfect. His smile was so carefree. He looked so comfortable as he smiled at me and I loved that. I loved that I could make him smile wide and I loved that he was here for me even when I was an annoying wreck. I especially loved when I could get him to smile so hard that dimples popped into his cheeks. I smiled to myself at the thought.

"I actually don't spend the holidays with my family. I take a trip with the crew to any where we want. Some times if we can't decide it's to my flat in London or my house in the country." He explained. He took a sip of his water that was in the cup holder and then continued. "Last year was Jamaica. Highly recommend." He nodded.

"Wow that sounds amazing. Who is all part of the crew?" I turned to face him more. I crossed my left over my right leg and then turned to look at his profile.

"Well Me, Asher, Liam, Natalie, Ivy, Meredith usually a kid named Niall comes with us. He goes to Columbia. I think Louis is also coming with us this year. You are part of the crew now. You should come." He grinned over at me.

"Well where are you going?" I would consider going. I needed to get out of the hellhole of Zayn memories.

"No body has really figured it out yet. We will figure something out though. Maybe Thailand." Harry chuckled.

"You only have three weeks before winter break! Flights will be all booked up." I got anxiety just thinking about trying to find a flight in the busiest flying season.

"Katherine... we take private planes." He laughed to himself. I felt my cheeks turn red a little.

"Well sorry, I've never stepped foot on a private plane." I gave him a shy look.

"You're adorable." He beamed. My cheeks got an even darker shade of crimson. A silence fell between us as Harry turned up the song on the stereo. I resumed my gaze out the window and thought about how fun a trip would be with these people. They probably do endless amounts of eating, drinking, partying, and shopping. That sounded too fun to pass up. I would have to call my mother and ask. I texted Natalie and asked her if me going sounded like a good idea. I knew she spent the night with Wes so I didn't expect a text right away. I put my phone into my purse and then laid my head back on the comfy leather seat.

"Harry do you think we will find anything here?" I asked. I couldn't tell if a trip up to Zayn's home will be good for me or torturous. I had the notes from who ever was playing with me in my purse. I pulled my kaki car coat closer to my body and shuddered. I always got the chills when I thought about them.

"It never hurts to actually look and see." His voice was softer. Whenever we talked about Zayn or the situation he always became super delicate, almost like if he touched me I would break into a thousand tiny little pieces. I shrugged to myself. I didn't want to give this stalker a reason to keep playing with me but someone's life was a pretty good reason to chase them.

"Harry talk to me." He looked over to me for a second. His expression was unreadable.

"What do you mean?" He scoffed as a small smile spread on his face.

"Just talk to me about you. I want to know you and I want my thoughts to stop." I frowned.

"Okay." He paused. "Let me introduce myself." He put on his stereotypical British voice on. It was more pronounced and low. "My name is Harry Edward Styles and I am from Cheshire." He laughed and spoke in his normal voice again. "I like to party, get drunk, and have sex." He looked over at me and could see my discomfort. He chuckled. "So basically, I'm Harry and I like to party." He quoted a movie Hot Rod that he forced me to watch a couple nights ago.

"I'm going to find out the deeper meaning in you Styles. It all can't just be about partying." I smirked at him.

"Go ahead and try." He mirrored my expression. I put myself up for the challenge to hopefully get my mind off Zayn. The car was quiet and we were about thirty minutes from the city. I looked at Harry and began to study him. After Harry and I's fling at the beginning of the year I think I would always have some type of feeling for him. Maybe it was because we really never dove into our relationship. He was a beautiful person. His hair was still long and today he had it back into a bun, his face was smooth of any shadow like Zayn would have. He looked a lot younger than Zayn. His green eyes though looked like they had been through the works. His eyes were the windows of his feelings and I could tell what his mood was every time I looked into his emerald pupils.

Today he looked really good. He had on black jeans, as usual, with a thin plain white t-shirt on. He rolled up the sleeves on it and his inked arms looked brighter against the stark white. I could see the butterflies outline under his clothes. He had on new black boots since the soles of his brown ones finally fell apart. A few bracelets adorned his wrist and a necklace was strung around his neck. He usually always had a ring on but today there were three silver rings around his fingers.

"I see you looking at me." He smiled as he watched the road.

"Just studying." I sang.

"Studying what?" he turned to look at me.

"Harry Edward Styles." I rose an eyebrow and smiled. I saw his cheeks turn pink and he then became distracted with a smudge on his window.


Do you want the crew to go on a trip? If so where?!?!?!?! Who do you guys like better Zayn or Harry?? Vote and Comment!!! I love interacting with you guys! there will be another chapter hopefully tonight if i don't go on a New Girl binge on netflix

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