Bắt đầu từ đầu

Hyunjin managed to be released from Jungkook's hold, then gave one last shove in the arm to his cousin with that same smile the blonde used to adore. He raised his hands to fix his soft black hair, something Jisung noticed had gotten a lot longer in the last few years. Maybe long enough to braid or put in a small ponytail. It fit him quite well.

"Hyunjin, it's good to see you man!" Changbin jumped at the chance for the next person to be reintroduced. They shared a brotherly handshake, patting each other on the back when they came in for a hug. "Four years has been so long!"

"Too long. I actually tried reaching out a few times. Never got anything back though" Ouch. Hyunjin can try to talk to an old friend but not his ex-lover. But then again, he didn't try to call either. Jisung bit the inside of his cheek, trying to dismiss the way that his heart clenched. He felt Jungkook nudge him just slightly, and he had to give a forced grin to prove that he was alright.

"Yeah, that's a long story" Seungmin interjects. He smiles when Hyunjin brightens at the sight of him. More enthusiastic greetings were given, as they engulfed one another in a tight hug.

"Oh, but they can get a nice hi," Jungkook sassed with exaggerated facial features and hand motions. "Rude."

Hyunjin waved him off with a scoff and an eye roll, then after returning his stare to his two friends. Jisung would be lying if he said that he didn't want a little bit of attention too. The ravenette was stalling their meeting though. He can tell. Hyunjin hadn't even dared to turn around, nor acknowledge that he was there. He just kept a conversation going with his old friends.

"Ah, what have you guys been up to? Changbin, did you pop the question?" He was like a kid in a candy store—eager to know more about the lives of the people he was extremely close to. Upon seeing Changbin's smile drop into a frown, an unsettling sadness soon surrounded everyone. Jisung was confused though. What question?

"No" It was a blunt answer. Bland and with a focus that went passed Hyunjin's head and onto a label for celery. The aforementioned looked baffled by the news though; as if what he was hearing was life changing. "Like Seungmin said, long story. But it's—it's okay. Uh, you know what? How about we catch up later? Seungmin and I are looking for an apartment to rent together and we have a booking in about an hour, and he still wants to get groceries for his parents so..."

"No, yeah sure!" It was obvious that Changbin just wanted an excuse to drop the previous subject. And Hyunjin took the hint. "My number's still the same so call or text me whenever."

Hugs were given with more joyful words of being glad to see one another again, before Seungmin and Changbin walked away. That's when the air went silent. There was only one person left standing in the way of Jisung being alone with Hyunjin. Jungkook; the same male who awkwardly rocked back and forth on his heels as he hummed a little tune to himself. But once he caught his younger cousin's stare, he had managed to take the hint of the ex-lovers needing the time to talk. Alone. So with a dramatic gasp he stepped between the large space the couple provided.

"I'll just...I'll go wait in the car" He took steps back, thumbs thrown over his shoulder to motion towards the grocery store exit. "Come out when you're ready Han. And don't forget my marshmallows!"

Jisung scoffed.

"Yah, I already told you-"

"Aw you're so sweet Hannie! Thank you!" Jungkook gushed as he started to walk away. Jisung shouted curses in his direction, to which the older man laughed at.

Now Hyunjin wasn't one to ever get jealous of his reckless cousin—it was immature and fed the ginormous ego the older one already had. So instead he rather found ways to bypass the charms and skills of Jeon Jungkook so that he no longer reigned superior. But as of right now, while that same careless family member of his spoke to his ex with such carelessness, Hyunjin felt envy. He was practically green. Jisung was green as well. Except, this was because he thinks he's going to be sick. He now wishes he never let the other leave. The long awaited moment between the past boyfriends was just as awkward as he believed it would be. How were they supposed to talk when neither one knew what to say?

"So you went blonde, huh?"

The question made Jisung shake his head and blink in uncertainty. He doesn't want to believe that they were starting the conversation off talking about their hair. But then again it was better than the deadly silence that engulfed them so easily. So with a weak attempt at a smile, the single father nodded.

"Yeah, and you grew yours out?"

Hyunjin mindlessly trailed his fingers through the thick locks he now let reach a little past his ears. He looked as handsome as he did all those years ago.

"Looks like it."


y'all can't tell me they aren't secretly related:

y'all can't tell me they aren't secretly related:

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