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BEFORE YOU BEGIN! Please take a moment to read this little blurb: I (the author of this fanfiction/profile) am a self-published author as of January 2024. My debut novel is called: Prophecy Within the Moons, and you can find it on Amazon.com or any Amazon website that you have. It's also on Kindle. If you choose to buy it, I appreciate the support because this is my first major step into becoming a professional author.  Thank you to all of you.  Without the encouragement under these stories from Wattpad I don't think I would have chosen this career path.

Now enjoy the story :)




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"Don't tell me how to raise my child."

The words slipped past his blood red lips calmly; tiny fingers delicately bringing the blue mug to the same parted feature. He lightly gagged at the taste. His mocha brown eyes were transfixed on the tan liquid known as honey tea, but the irritation swimming around those dark irises wasn't hard to dismiss. His small figure that rested on the small gray couch gave the illusion of someone who wanted to relax for the remainder of the day—and yet he was tense. All because of the slightly taller man who stood near the small family's flat-screen television. It was still playing some random cartoon Jisung had put on.

"I'm not telling you-"

"Bullshit!" It was blurted; his tone no longer restricted but instead austere. "So what would you call that interrogation? You just being helpful?"

"Yes. She's my daughter too."

Jisung gave a pitiful laugh. It came out more as a scoff masked by a smile. He even placed his cold beverage back down on the wooden table not too far from in front of him, standing to his feet and finally meeting gazes with the man. "You want to get to know Esme, fine. But you are not going to come into my house after all these years and tell me what I should and should not do with my child!" The blonde spewed his thoughts with dramatic hand gestures and an almost permanent frown. "Mine, Hyunjin!" Removing his stare from his ex-lover, his eyelids began to brim with tears. He was quick to raise a hand and wipe them away though. He refused to let any fall, promising himself years ago that he wasn't going to cry over the ravenette any longer. It was useless and made him look pathetic. So biting the inner skin of his left cheek Jisung released a sigh. "I think you should leave."

"What?" Hyunjin stepped closer. "No, Jisung I-"

"Leave!" The blonde was surprised by his harmful shout, so he wasn't too shocked to see the other flinch. That's when he lowered his head, voice falling into a whisper. "You can come back tomorrow for the party. But I don't want to see you again until then."

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