chapter 4

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chapter 4:
watch it burn.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, noticing the change in his expression and he hurried out of the hall.

"Monk!" I hissed, glancing at the Paladins before rushing to join the Weeping Monk, barely catching up to him with his big strides.

"What is wrong?" I repeated, grabbing his arm and making him stop in his tracks. He turned to me, looking as if he barely noticed me.

"I sense one."

"A Fey?" I questioned and he nodded in confirmation.

"It's her. The Wolf blood Witch. Come," He grabbed onto my hand and led me to where his instincts told him. I admired his skill for detecting Fey, but never knew how he could actually tell.

We walked into a room, which I'm assuming was for the guests or the girls, and he swing open a bedside laundry basket and rummaged for clothing.

What is he-?

He brought out a blue dress and inhaled it.

Should I be in here right now?

But then, I recognized it. I recognized the fabric and simplicity of it, and grabbed it to take a closer look.

It is you.

The dress you wore when you slaughtered them.

"Their blood is still on it. . ." I trailed off.

"She revels in her victory no longer-!" Just as I reached to pull out my sword, he grabbed my wrist.

"What are you doing?!"

"If you go around slaying nuns and not the real Witch, then we shall end up right where we started. Do not allow your emotions to dictate your actions," I groaned and let my blade fall back into its' sheath. He was right. I was letting my emotional state drive my actions and if he hasn't stopped me, there would surely be ten dead nuns by now.

"You're right."

I felt so embarrassed, and I didn't even know why. Was it because I was acting like a hormonal teenage girl? Just lashing out?

"Apologies for my behavior," I bowed.

"You cared deeply for those wolves. It only makes sense that you would react in such a way," He excused my behavior and I quirked my brow as we headed back to the hall.

"How do you know it was deep affection? Perhaps I just lost my prize."

He thinks he knows everything, yet he-

"It's in your eyes."

. . .he does. . .

He left me with only that answer. It's in my eyes? My tell that I loved them? How can he tell? Is my more feminine side shown through my eyes?

Okay, Fey first, monk later.


"Do not be so rough with them!" I smacked the monk over the head. Yes, I smacked the Weeping Monk and he looked at me with strange eyes.

"They are young girls, not thieves. You look as if you are touching them!" I hissed before fixing a young girls uniform and she profusely apologized.


Learn to be more gentle.

"Where's the new girl?"

A voice spoke up from the front and I immediately headed over to her. She hid a smug smirk behind her devilish stoic features.

As if she were possessed.

"Who?" I questioned.

"The new one. Alice. Showed up last night with cuts all over," She spilled and my hand was readied at my sword, aching at the thought of pressing it to her neck and watching the blood run down slowly while she begged for mercy.

"You know, girl. . ." I smirked, getting in real close to her ear and I felt her eyes on me.

"God doesn't invite snitches into his house," I whispered before joining the rushing footsteps of the monk.

I truly hope I just ruined her life.

BALLAD OF HUA MULAN  》THE WEEPING MONKWhere stories live. Discover now