Chapter 6

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After his shower Keith came out of the bathroom in one of Lance's t-shirts and a pair of skinny jeans. It was a little big on him but it was wearable. Lance was downstairs in his living room, just scrolling on his phone, waiting for Keith to come back.

Keith came downstairs in the oversized shirt and long jeans. "Hey," He greeted, sitting on the couch beside Lance.

Lance put his phone down and looked over at Keith with a smile, "How was your shower?"

Keith shrugged, "Better than at my place, I guess.." Keith looked over at Lance with a small, crooked smile.

"That's good," Lance's smile became smaller but it was still there. "Wanna go for a walk? Might help clear your head?" He suggested.

Keith nodded, "Sure.. why not," He got up and the two of them put on their shoes, leaving Lance's house.

They walked for a while, just talking about nothing in specific. They were enjoying themselves, it was nice. Well... It was nice until Keith stopped walking and froze up.

Lance turned and looked at him quite confused, "You okay..?" Keith gestured forward a little to someone. But it wasn't just anyone...

It was James.

Of course he would show up now.. of course they would see him during their walk. Lance was ready to beat his ass into next year, but before that Keith had to be calm, a stressed Keith wasn't good at that moment.

Lance put a hand on Keith's shoulder, comforting smile on his face. "Just breath, he's not going to do anything, I won't let him." Lance said quietly.

Keith nodded slowly and took a few deep breaths. "... Okay... I trust you..." Keith exhaled and regained his calm, walking slightly behind Lance. James was walking towards them.

They were getting closer and closer and closer but when James got close enough to them, he just... Walked by? Almost....

Before James was completely out of sight he took this as an opportunity to get a good spank on Keith's ass. It made Keith jump a little and yelp which alarmed Lance.

He had been feeling quite protective of Keith ever since he saw him like he was.. he didn't want Keith to get hurt.. rival or not, he didn't want that for him. He turned around to James, he was clearly very angry.

"The fuck did you do, James?!" There was a low growl in Lance's voice, some would say Lance was acting a lot like Keith in the way he spoke.

"Lance calm down... I-its fine.." Keith tried to grab Lance's arm for them to keep walking, he didn't want to be here.

James turned to look at Lance. He looked confused, but he knew exactly what he did. "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything?"

"Right just like you haven't been doing anything for the past months?!" Keith froze hearing that. Lance really wasn't thinking about what he was saying, he was being protective, he wanted to protect Keith..

James just kept playing dumb, "I really have no idea what you're talking about? I haven't done anything?"

"Lance, let's go..." Keith spoke quietly between gritted teeth, Lance didn't hear him. Keith just wanted to be out of there as fast as he could. He didn't want to have to deal with this..

"James stop playing dumb, just make it easier on yourself and tell me exactly what the fuck you did to Keith!?" Lance had his hands in fists.. he was never really a violent person, but for Keith? He would do anything to make sure Keith was safe.

"I didn't do anything! And even if I did, it's not like you would hurt me, you're not as strong as you think, McClain," James was lying through all his teeth.

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