Chapter 2

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That happened every day, James would fuck Keith, throw him on the floor and and leave him there, only to do the same the next day, and still no one had any idea of what was happening.

James did as he always did and left Keith laying on the floor, hugging his knees and sobbing. He couldn't take this anymore.. he couldn't handle being treated like a toy.

When James had left the room Keith reached for his trousers, his hands were trembling, his whole body still ached, he looked around the pockets of his trousers for his phone, scrolling through his contacts until he found who he wanted to call.


Despite their 'Rivalry', Keith still trusted Lance more than anyone.. even Shiro. Lance was his stability, his rock. He didn't know how the others would react to this but he knew exactly what Lance would do. Although he claimed to hate Keith, Lance really did care for him. He would do anything for him, and once he found out about this, Lance would come and save him from this nightmare.

It rang once, twice, three times before Lance picked up.

"Keith? Do you know what time it is? Why are you calling me at this ho-" Lance cut himself off once he heard the soft sobs coming from Keith's side of the call. "Are you... crying?"

"I-i know it's late and you p-p-probably would rather be sleeping than help me b-but something happened a-and I don't know who else to call. Can you p-please come over?" Keith spoke quickly and his voice was broken, but Lance still understood what he was saying.

"What happened?" Lance asked, he was clearly worried.

"I-its hard to explain... Just please come over...." Keith spoke slower this time.

"Alright, I'll be right over." Lance hung up and got dressed out of his pyjamas and made his way to Keith's house. There wasn't much traffic so Lance got there rather quickly. The front door was open so he came inside.

"Keith? Where are you?" Lance called. There was soft sobbing in response that Lance followed to Keith's room. Opening the door slowly. Keith looked up at the door, tears streaming down his cheeks, the stream of tears seemed to be unstoppable.

Lance gasped seeing Keith like that, sitting bare on the floor. He sped to Keith and hugged him, not caring that Keith didn't have clothes on. Keith weakly wrapped his arms around Lance, crying in to his shirt.

"What happened?" Lance asked, his voice soft but worried.

Keith was hesitant to say who did this.. if James found out he blabbed he would definitely hurt him.. but he couldn't keep it in any longer.. "...James..." Keith said quietly.

Lance was in slight shock, James had been being so nice to Keith.. how could he do this? Lance's grip on Keith tightened slightly. They stayed hugging for a moment before Lance moved back away from Keith. "Put some clothes on and you can tell me what happened.." Lance cooed, getting up off the floor and offering Keith his hand to help him get up which Keith took.

Keith got his clothes on and Lance sat on Keith's bed waiting for him, looking down at his hands, he didn't want to be staring. Keith sat on the bed beside Lance and looked down at his hands.

"What's been happening with James?" Lance asked to start off.

"He's.. he's been.." Keith couldn't even put it into words... It hurt to even think about what James had been doing. He got chocked up just trying to explain.

Lance took one of Keith's hands and gave it a small reassuring squeeze. "Take your time... Just try to explain it in a word." Lance said with a soft smile, trying to comfort him.

"Pain..." Keith replied almost silently but Lance still heard.

"Two words?"

"It hurt..."

"Three words.."

"..he hurt me..." Keith hesitated slightly saying that.

Lance's eyes went slightly wide, understanding what Keith meant by that but he kept going. "Four words."

"He got very touchy..."

"Five words."

"He..." Keith shook his head and looked down taking his hand away from Lance and fiddling with his fingers... he couldn't say anymore..

Lance pretty much got what James had been doing by what he saw and by what Keith told him. "For how long has he been doing this?"

"Months.. pretty much since we came to earth full time..."

"And you waited until now to say anything?!" He raised his voice which made Keith flinch. Lance took a deep breath and calmed himself. "I'm sorry.. I didn't want to yell at you..."

"I.. I was scared... I thought that no one would believe me... Or that James would hurt me..." Keith was picking at a loose string on the bed as he spoke.

"Why would they not believe you? James has always been a jackass.. I was getting a little suspicious at how nice he was being..." Lance scooted a little closer to Keith.

"Says you... If I told Pidge she would need proof, Hunk wouldn't know how to deal with this.. and Shiro would just brush it off and say something like you saved the universe, I think you can deal with this yourself. I don't know why you believe me.." Keith looked up at Lance, eyes glossed with tears.

"Of course I believe you Keith! And everyone else would believe you too.. they're going to have to believe you.."

"Going to..?"

"Yes going to. We need to tell them what's going on... They need to know."

Keith shook his head, "No no no no... They can't find out about this... No one can know... James.. he'll find out I told you..."

"If you don't tell them I will.. I can't stand seeing you like this! I've never seen you so scared in all the years I've known you! I don't want you to be hurt.."

Keith just sighed and nodded. As much as he hated the thought of telling anyone, someone was helping him.. someone finally came to save him from the pain and the abuse..

"Good.." Lance stood up off Keith's bed. "Come on, there's no way I'm letting you stay here tonight.." Lance offered Keith a hand for Keith to take.

((Word count 1038))

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