Chapter 8

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The two boys enjoyed each other's company. Spending the remainder of the day chatting and watching movies. It was nice, it took Keith's mind off everything that had been going on.

The sun set and soon day became night. Lance looked out the window to see the darkness of the night sky. "I didn't realize how late it was. You want something to eat?" He asked Keith.

Keith shrugged, "Yeah, sure, I could go for something." Was he going to spend the night here again? Lance probably wanted him to go back home... And he didn't want to overstay his welcome. "Afterwards I'll get out of your hair for the night... Bet you're probably sick of me at this point." He joked, turning to face Lance where they were both sitting.

Lance looked at Keith with a raised eyebrow. "Absolutely not! You're staying here. I'm not letting you go back to that place alone," Lance didn't trust that Keith would be okay alone in that house, knowing that James would be going after him.

"I have to get my stuff. Can't keep using your clothes. And I gotta get my phone, in case of emergencies.." Keith said, fiddling with his fingers. "I'll be okay Lance... Thank you.."

Lance shook his head, "Fine, you can get your things then I'll bring you back here. I really don't mind if you stay. I'd rather you did." Obviously, Lance was worried for Keith. After what he had heard, what he had seen, he didn't trust that place for Keith to be alone.

Keith obviously was grateful for Lance's concern, but he couldn't help but feel as if he were a bother to him... "Lance you really don't have to-" Keith was interrupted by Lance.

"I don't care if I don't have to. I'm going to." Lance said sternly, a worried expression stayed on his face. "...I want to make sure that doesn't happen again. If I let you go, and he's there... Then it's my fault. So, if you wanna go get your things, I'll take you there and then you can come back. Stay here as long as you need."

Keith couldn't help but smile at Lance. He was thankful that he had a friend like Lance. "..Thank you... For worrying.." he spoke quietly. "... Alright... Yeah.. that's fine."

"Good. So you still wanna eat first or go and then come back to eat?" Lance asked.

"Let's go, get it over with." Keith stood up from where he sat, followed by Lance standing up.

They headed out of the house once they were ready and Lance drove them both to Keith's place. Before either of them got out, Keith looked at Lance. "... I think... I think you should stay here... It could be worse if he sees you there with me." Keith spoke quietly. "... I don't want him to hurt you..."

Lance frowned hearing that. Keith was so worried for him... He didn't think about himself. "...How long do you think you need?" Lance asked.

"..Shouldn't be more than 10 minutes. I'll be as quick as I can." Keith wanted to spend as little time as possible in that house.

Lance nodded. "Okay. I'll stay here. But if I feel you're taking too long, I'm going looking for you, okay?"

Keith nodded, "Okay." He gave Lance a hug, something he found himself doing more and more. "..Thank you, Lance." He said before getting out of the car. He opened the door to his house. He quickly rushed to his room where he kept his clothes and left his phone. He quickly gathered some clothes and shoved it in a bag that he had laying around. He saw his phone on the ground. He picked it up, looking through all the missed notifications.

12 texts and 7 calls from Shiro

15 missed calls from Curtis.

24 texts from James.

As he looked through all the notification, there was a voice from behind him. "And what do you think you're doing?"

Keith turned around and dropped his phone, a horrified look on his face.

James stood there, glaring at Keith from the other side of the room. Even from that far away he could smell that James was intoxicated. The alcohol was on his breath and clothes. "You didn't think you'd get away with not getting a beating tonight, did you?" James began to walk closer to Keith. "You fucked up Kogane, telling that good for nothing about this. We had an agreement and you know that."

Keith began moving back away from James. "...I had no other choice. I wasn't going to be... Your toy anymore..." Keith was trying to act confident, but he was trembling.

James laughed. "You're joking, right? You're a fucking dumbass, Kogane. You're MINE. I own you. I took your virginity, which makes you mine." He gripped Keith by his neck, tight enough that Keith couldn't breathe. "You're going to be punished like the slut you are."

Meanwhile, Lance waited outside, anxiously looking at his phone.

It had been taking too long, he had a bad feeling.

He got out of his car and went into the house. He made his way to Keith's room. The door was closed but he could hear slapping and small sobs... His heart sank.

He busted the door open. Exactly what he had thought. Poor Keith was being held up against the wall by the throat, his bottom half having been completed stripped. His face had a red handprint, must have been the slap he heard. James was just about to penetrate Keith, luckily Lance got there in time.

Lance grabbed the rapist by the shoulder and pulled him away from Keith forcefully, causing Keith to fall to the ground. "Don't you DARE touch him again, you disgusting bastard." Lance glared at James with narrow eyes.

James has a smirk on his face, "What? You wanna join, McClain?~" James said somewhat teasingly.

Lance grabbed James by the collar of his shirt. "Don't say another fucking word. I'm calling the police on your ass, and you're not moving until they get here." He growled lowly.

James rolled his eyes. "And what are you gonna do about it? I could run out that door if I wanted-" he was cut off by a sharp left hook to the face by Lance that made him pass out.

Lance dropped James on the floor and rushed over to Keith quickly. Helping him up slowly. "Hey... Hey... Are you okay..?" He spoke calmly now.

Keith had tears streaming down his face, shaking his head and hugging himself.

Lance grabbed the first pair of pants he saw and handed them to Keith. "..Go to the car and wait there, okay? I'll deal with this bastard."

All Keith did was nod and he headed off to the car, quickly pulling the pants on on the way.

Don't You Dare Touch Him Again...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن