Chapter 4

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Keith woke up to the sound of music coming from downstairs, it wasn't a bad thing to wake up to, better than how he used to wake up.. He got up out of bed and rubbed his eyes, they were puffy from crying last night. He went downstairs to the kitchen where he found Lance singing along to some music he had playing on his phone and swaying his hips to the beat of the music as he set the table, he probably didn't wake up much before Keith had. He hadn't noticed Keith come in yet.

"Morning," Keith greeted, leaning against the door frame. Lance looked up at Keith and and smiled at him. He turned down his music.

"Morning, sleep well?" Lance asked. Keith nodded in response and walked over to Lance. "Good, how are you feeling? After last night..?" Lance wasn't sure if he should be talking about it but he was still worried.

"Better... thank you for helping me..." Keith smiled a crooked smile.

"You have nothing to thank me for, thank you for calling me.. I'm happy that I could help you," That was really genuine, "But anyway, I know you're a basic bitch and only eat cereal for breakfast so," Lance went over to a cupboard and took a box of cereal, putting it on the island for Keith.

"I am not a basic bitch!" Keith huffed and crossed his arms.

"Riggghhhtttt," Lance rolled his eyes playfully, "Just eat,"

The two of them ate, talking about nothing specific, it was nice, it had been a while since the two of them had talked, Keith normally would try stay away from the team, in case anything about James were to slip out, so they didn't see each other that much anymore, they just saw each other on Allura day and that was pretty much it.

"So.. um.. how have you been? After Allura..?" That was kind of a touchy subject for Lance. Or at least everyone thought it was. Ever since she died none of the others even dared to speak about her, they thought it must hard to talk about your dead lover, but to be honest, Lance wouldn't mind if anyone were to talk about her, sure it hurt at first but he was fine, she did what had to be done.

"It's actually been alright... it was a little hard at first but I'm fine.. she did what had to be done," Lance smiled a little, looking down, he liked talking about Allura, it made him feel like she was still with him.

"That's good.." Keith took another bite of his food, "...Do you miss her?"

Lance nodded, "Of course I do... but I've learned to deal with it.. It's been too long for me to still be hung up on her,"

"Hm.. that makes sense.. and it's good that you think that way," Keith wasn't much to give advice on relationships or getting over someone, the only "relationship" he had been in was with James, but he was forced into it.

"Yeah I guess.." Lance's phone rang, he picked it up to see who it was. "Shiro's texting, he said you won't pick up your phone and he's worried,"

"Shit.. I think I left my phone at my house.." With the rush he was in the night prior, Keith didn't think about getting clothes or his phone or anything, he just wanted to get out of there.

"I'll just tell him you're with me," Lance sent Shiro a simple text, just saying that Keith was with him and that he was fine, then put his phone down. "So, um.. have you thought about telling the others about what's been happening..?"

Keith shook his head and looked down, "I don't want them to know..."

"They're going to find out one way or another, the best is for you to tell them, they'll help you, I told you last night, if you don't tell them, I will,"

Keith stayed silent, he didn't want to be hurt again, but he also didn't want to put his problems on everyone else, he already felt like enough of a burden having to stay with Lance.

Lance continued, "You don't have to tell them today.. tell them whenever you feel comfortable, but you have to tell them, okay?" Keith nodded, he knew Lance was right, so he wasn't going to argue.

There was an awkward silence between them, until Lance broke it, really all it did was make it a lot more awkward... "...I saw your dick last night.." he laughed a little, his face then turned pink after realizing what he had said. He didn't mean to say that out loud. ".. I-I- I just said that- Jesus, I'm sorry about that... That was really stupid of me to say.. sorry.. why did I even say that?" Lance laughed at himself for saying that.

Keith chuckled a little, "No no, I think you should have said it," Keith was obviously about to start teasing Lance for saying that. "Why shouldn't you have? Is my dick not good enough to be seen by you?" Keith's chuckles turned into laughter and Lance's face went from pink to bright red.

"N-no no! I mean- your dick is fine its just- it was stupid of me to bring it up-" Lance realised he was just making more of a fool of himself, "I'm just going to shut up now.. and never talk again..." He slammed his head onto the table with a loud groan. Keith laughed at him.

"Awww is Lancey Lance embarrasedddd?" Keith normally wouldn't be the one teasing Lance, it would normally be the other way around.

Lance kept his mouth shut, he was very much embarrased by all this.

"You really have nothing to be embarrased about, I should be the embarrased one, you saw me when I was so... vulnerable... I'm really surprised you haven't made fun of me or teased me or anything..." Their light-hearted conversation had begun to get quite deep.

Lance turned his head from being face flat on the table, "Why would I make fun of you? I know I can be an ass sometimes but I wouldn't make fun of you after seeing you like that, I'm not a monster.." Was that what Keith thought of him? Did Keith think Lance would make fun of him for being abused? For being raped? Was Lance that much of an ass?

((Word count 1083))

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