Chapter 3

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Keith took Lance's hand to pull himself up, "Where are you taking me then?" He asked, wiping his eyes from previous tears.

"My house, you can stay with me." Lance thought this was the safest option... In case James wanted to come back for seconds.

"You sure..?" Keith didn't want to be bothering Lance, he had already come all the way to Keith's house this late at night, he didn't want Lance to feel like he had to take care if him, though it was nice for someone to be helping him for once.

"Of course I'm sure, I have a spare room you can stay in." Lance shone Keith a warm smile and with that the two boys were out the door, into Lance's car. Keith didn't even get any clothes. He just figured he'd stay in what he was wearing.

Keith sat in the passengers seat, resting his head against the window and looking outside at the passing cars and trees as Lance drove. It had been a long time since Keith had gotten any sleep and he was feeling his eyes getting heavier, the soft sound of the music Lance was playing just made him more tired. He closed his eyes and in seconds he was fast asleep, snoring softly. The ten minutes that Keith got to sleep in Lance's car was better than the sleep he had gotten in the past few months.

At Lance's house Lance got out of the car first and went over to the passengers seat to wake Keith up. "Keith, buddy, come on, I'll take you up to bed." Lance cooed quietly to Keith, brushing Keith's hair out of his face. Keith groaned and looked up at Lance, he looked so tired, not just tired from not sleeping, just tired in general, from life. "Come on, let's get you upstairs," Lance helped Keith out of the car and both of them walked into Lance's house.

Keith leaned on Lance as the two walked, in the house, up the stairs and into Lance's spare room. Keith laid on the bed, curling in on himself.

"Do you want to borrow some clothes to sleep in?" Lance asked, Keith shook his head.

"No thank you..." Keith mumbled, burrying his face in the pillow.

Lance covered Keith with the blanket, "Alright, call me if you need anything, alright?" Keith nodded. Lance turned the light off and left the room, "Night buddy.." Lance said softly, closing the door and going off to his own room.

((Word count 420))

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