Chapter Thirty-Three: Big Bang Two (2) {Doctor Who}

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, my love," River's voice echoed on the roof top.

"That's River!" I state in a shock as she kept saying the same thing over and over again.

"It must be a like a recording or something," Rory said but it wasn't a recording. 

"Not a recording, the Tardis sealed off the console-room and put her into a time-loop to kept her safe due to the emergency protocols," I explained to the group as every Tardis had emergency protocols in place if anything happened. "She's right at the heart of the explosion," I came to the edge of the roof as I looked up at the Tardis. "We need to get her out of there," I shot my gaze to the Doctor as his eyes were already on me. But he just offers a smile as he jumps down from the edge and placed the disk to the side, before typing into the VM and zapped her went. 

"How do you know so much about the Tardis?" Amy's Scottish accent rang through my ears as I came back to stand in front of them. 

"I had lessons from the best," I replied with a thin but warm smile as I remembered the old times. "Shame it wasn't the Doctor though," I remarked as my smile turned into a smirk. Just then, electricity formed behind Rory and Amy, two shapes came together and River and Doctor appeared.

"Amy!" River's voice came to attention snapping her and Rory around. "Violet! And the plastic Centurion?" River was a bit confused on why Rory was here and helping us.

"It's ok, he's on our side," The Doctor said to River knowing she could trust his word.


"Yeah," the Doctor confirmed it as all eyes were on Rory as I came to stand to the left of Amy.

"I dated a Nestene duplicate, once. Swappable head. Did keep things fresh," River replied making me smile at her humour at this moment in time. "Right then, I have questions. But number one is this... What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?" River turned to face the Doctor staring up at the Fez on his head.

"It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool," he replied like it was natural to have.

"You look ridiculous," I retorted to him as the look didn't sit well on him, but he could pull it off. Before I knew what was happening, Amy leches forward and grabs the Fez from his head and turned and threw it into the sky, as River pulled her gun free and shot it mid-air, sending the fabric everywhere.

"Exterminate!" The Dalek's voice came out as it began to raise from the ground as it was using it's flight systems. 

"Run, run! Move, move!" Doctor began to push us all back the way we came as Amy, Rory and I bolted back to the hatch. I got Amy and Rory down the hatch as River came as the Doctor was backing up using the dish as a shield from the Dalek's beams. I quicklu climbed down the ladder as River did the same. The Doctor came in and shut the hatch and began sonicing it shut.

"Doctor, come on," River states as she pointed her gun at the hatch. 

"Shh," he hushed her. "It's moving away, finding another way in. It needs to restore its power before it can attack again," Doctor explained as he climbed down the ladder. "Now, that means we've got exactly four and a half minutes-" He jumped down form the ladder and locked at his golden watch. "Before it's at lethal capacity," he brushes pass us and down the stairs.

"How do you know?" Rory questioned.

"Because that's when it's due to kill me," Doctor replied stopping at the platform the stairs had staring at us. I totally forgot!

"Kill you? What do you mean, kill you?" River wildly asks as we all made our way down the stairs and followed the Doctor.

"Oh, shut up. Never mind... How can that Dalek even exist? It was erased from time and then it came back. How?" The Doctor wondered as we came into a hallway in the museum.

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