Chapter Eighteen: Expo {Captain America}

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Once Steve and Bucky left, I managed to take a few readings of my surroundings, but nothing came up with the high level of energy

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Once Steve and Bucky left, I managed to take a few readings of my surroundings, but nothing came up with the high level of energy. So, I entered the Tardis and went straight to the wardrobe. The Tardis had a wide range of outfits to choose from, all of them coming from all over the universe, so I could blend into my surroundings. I fitted into a nice grey colour dress, which was tailored to my size and was the correct period to fit in. I couldn't bring my sonic or anything with me because I had no pockets in this dress, so I had to leave them behind. I so need to put pockets in my outfits...

Night had dawned upon the world, as I managed to find my way to the Stark Expo, which I couldn't miss at all as it was massive. I however, didn't see Bucky or Steve yet, but I think I would be able to find them sooner or later. I made my way through the crowd within the expo, seeing all sorts of futuristic things, which wouldn't happen for a good few decades. Even centuries... I notice a gathering near a stage, which held a red car on it, and the crowd began to cheer. I walked over and made my way through the crowd, coming closer to the front as a women over the speak introduced Mister Stark. He came out on stage, as people clapped, he wore a dashing suit and a top hat. Before one of the performer ladies, took it from him. Then he leans in and gives her a kiss, making my eyes widen as he was quite handsome. Once it ended, she handed him the microphone as the ladies walked from the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," he began as he finished whipping the lipstick from his lips. But I noticed a short dirt blonde guy just a few meters in front of me. "What if I told you that in just a few short years your automobile won't even have to touch the ground at all," he announces through the microphone as I approached Steve to see him offer some peanuts to the women in front of him, but she dismiss his action. I came to his side, but he didn't notice me.

"Care to share?" My voice was clear, making Steve look to the right of him to see his eyes widen in shock. He was lost for words but he held out the peanuts and I grabbed one from the bag. I popped the peanut into my mouth as I offered him a smile.

"With Stark robotic reversion technology, you'll be able to do just that," I faced back to the stage to see Mister Stark. He flicks a switch on, and began to use the lever to engage the cars wheels which were now anti-grav machines. The car began to hover from the ground, making a few people gasp in shock.

"Holy cow," I hear Bucky state impressed with Mister Stark's invention. The machines which replaced the wheels began to flicker and malfunction and the car falls back onto the stage, sending sparks and smoke everywhere. People in the crowd shot back in fright for a moment.

"I did say a few years, didn't I?" He remarks making the audience laugh. I remember the time I built a flying bike, to enter in the Flying Olympics. I did it out of a run-down engine and spare microwave parts... Which reminds me, to pick up that trophy...

"Hey, Steve, what do you say we treat these girls-" Bucky cut himself off as he turns to see Steve gone, as I notice that he went. But Bucky's eyes came to meet mine, as I offered him a smile. "Oh hey, Violet," he states all casual. "Nice to see you again," he states as a smirk tugged on his lips. I got a sense he was a player...

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