Robin dashed from the room, Anne hot on his heels. Josh limped out leaving Kyle on the stand not meeting anyone's eyes. Abby huffed throwing down her brief case leaning on the table. "You did good. All your points were valid. You just didn't have the full story." Liam said feeling a smidge of guilt pile over him, she sighed nodding not really wanting to carry a conversation with him, "Thanks." She snapped flipping her hair. Liam rolled his eyes stalking over to Harry, "Hey." "Hayden has a son. H-how did I not know? T-that means... Robin didn't rape Jay. Hayden did. Robin... Dad!" He yelled running out the door, leaving Zayn to run with him, Louis stayed back with Niall and Liam.

Niall's P.O.V

Louis made grabby hands, setting him on my hip we cuddled for a moment when Liam nudged me, "Look at that kid." he said pointing to Kyle. "What about him?" I whispered, "He just looks so sad." Liam said, my heart actually saddened for the boy. "Hey Kyle?" I called, he lifted his head, "What?" He scoffed, "Do you maybe wanna go get something to eat while we wait for the ruling?" I asked handing Louis to Liam, "I-I should go to my dad." Kyle rushed when Liam stopped him, "Which one Kyle? Robin or Michael? Either way their both getting put away. I'm sorry." Kyle nodded feeling tears brimming his eyes, "I-I never hit Louis. M-Michael blamed me, but he hit him. I-I tried s-saving him." he admitted, Liam lightly patted his back soothingly, "How old are you Kyle?" "Sixteen." Liam gave him a smile, "You know how to drive?" Kyle returned his smile weakly, "No." Liam gasped, "What?! Come on man sixteen is all about driving and getting laid in the back of your car!" Kyle blushed and I snatched Louis from Liam swatting his backside, "Babe!" He squealed, I gave a stern look, "Don't listen to this wanna be." I chuckled, Liam stuck his tongue out causing Louis to giggle, "Harry is going to kill us if he finds out we are teaching him bad things." I reminded, Liam waved me off, "Hush up. Now I'm hungry. Kyle do you care to join us?" He looked at us both before slowly nodding.

No one's P.O.V

Harry tried questioning Robin to get any other information but the old man shooed him away. Harry groaned watching them drive away. "Let's go get Louis." Zayn suggested, they turned when Liam carried a giggling Louis to his parents, "Papa! Daddy!" He gushed making grabby hands. Harry took him kissing his face repeatedly, Louis hid in his neck from the kissed giggling, "Silly papa." he mumbled, when Zayn popped his pacifier in. Liam and Niall then parted showing that Kyle was behind them, "Guys Kyle is going to join us for some lunch before the ruling." Niall said giving a smile to Kyle, the lad didn't return it this time. "Okay. Well lets go then." Zayn said tightly trying to hide the disgust and bitterness in his voice. Harry shared the same tone mumbling to himself putting Louis in the car, while driving them to some random cafe.

Carry Louis in to a table Harry huffed sitting the lad down. Louis groaned shaking his head, "H-hold Louis!" He whined, Harry sent a stern look, "No. You're fourteen. Sit there like a big boy." Louis' face crumpled, sobbing into his hands. Zayn walked in frowning, "What's wrong with my baby?" He cooed, Louis didn't look up from his hands. Zayn set him on his hip pressing a kiss to his cheek, "Can I see those beautiful eyes?" He asked, Louis shook his head moving to cry in his neck. Zayn sighed sitting him down on his lap looking to Harry, "What happened?" Harry sighed, "I told him I wasn't going to hold him. He was fourteen." Zayn gave a knowing look, "I know all this with your father is difficult but you can't take it out on other people." Harry hung his head knowing Zayn was right. "Louis papas sorry buddy. Can you please forgive me?" Harry asked sticking out his bottom lip, Louis looked up from Zayn his eyes puffy from crying, "Y-yes papa." He mumbled, Harry dragged him on his lap cradling him on his lap, "You'll always be our baby." He cooed, Louis only cuddled into his body. Niall and Liam came back with Kyle trailing behind, "Kyle just sit there lad." Niall said pointing to a seat by him. Kyle hesitantly took it, Louis whined from his spot on Harry's lap looking up at him with wide eyes, Harry put his pacifier in quieting him, patting his bum soothingly. "So not to be rude but... What's going on here?" Zayn started setting down his coffee he ordered.

"What do ya mean?" Niall replied crossing his legs uncomfortably, "I think you know Niall." Harry said narrowing his eyes, "Its up to him. Not us." Niall replied looking at Kyle, "W-what is?" He asked nervous, Liam sighed, "Kyle Robin is probably going to jail. Michael is for sure. So that leaves you in foster care. Unless you are willing to chose a family you already know." Liam explained, Kyle hung his head, "I-I don't know anybody." He mumbled, Liam and Niall shared a look, "Umm Kyle if you w-want to then uhh.. Niall and I would be happy to.. To give you a home." Liam said chewing his bottom lip, Harry tightened his grip on Louis, Zayn spit his coffee on Niall's shirt, Niall gasped glaring, Zayn only stared as Liam offered the boy a home. "W-what?" Kyle asked staring into his eyes, "We'd be willing to let you stay with us." Liam said smiling, "O-okay." Kyle replied messing with his fingers, Zayn shot up pulling Niall by his bicep outside, "Are you crazy?!" He shot. Niall pushed him off, "What?" "Letting that beast stay with you! He abused Louis! Yea remember when Louis went missing that was thanks to that kid!" Zayn growled, Niall shook his head, "No Zayn. Josh made Louis think that. Well Michael did. I swear." Zayn gave a look of mistrust. "Zayn I wouldn't ever put you in danger. This is just another Louis. I'm helping him like you did Louis." Niall explained opening his arms for a hug, Zayn rolled his eyes walking into the hug, "Fine." He sighed.

Both walked back in to see Harry trying to settle the bawling Louis who was having a temper tantrum. "What happened?" Zayn questioned taking the boy slapping his backside to quiet him. "We told him that Kyle was going to be Uncle Liam's son." Harry said looking worried as to why that upset Louis so much. "Louis William Malik you had better stop. Unless you want a spanking I would stop this tantrum." Zayn ordered, Louis shook his head reaching out to Harry. Harry shook his head, "No. Its not nice to be mean to Kyle." Harry said patting the chair next to him. Kyle slowly took it, Harry put his arm around him making Louis lose it, "I h-hate you P-Papa!" He screamed hitting Zayn to be put down, Harry shot up taking Louis to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet he took his across the knee holding Louis down with his hand he rounded off twenty full-force swats. Louis still wasn't giving up fighting, screaming he hates his papa. Harry knew the boy had to already have a red bum but that didn't help the rage he had inside. His kid was not going to act like this. This was NOT allowed. Ripping his jeans off he began again on his boxer covered backside, not slowing his pace he slowly lost count. It was seventy five plus the extra twenty he had already given him when Harry quit. Louis went limp, partly from pain, while the rest from guilt. Harry pulled up his pants watching as Louis winced in pain. Carefully holding him on his lap, Louis didn't automatically snuggle like he usually does. That worried Harry, did he go to far? Pushing Louis to his chest, he cuddled him himself, swearing that he loves him, and telling him why he received the punishment. Carrying him out Louis didn't make a scene reaching out for Zayn. No. The lad only sat quietly on Harry's lap. "Alright lets go back to the court room guys." Zayn said reaching out for Louis, who in return didn't move. "Louis come see daddy." He pleaded, Louis finally flinched looking at him, tears in his big blue eyes, "Come on baby boy." Zayn coaxed lifting him in his eyes. "I love you. Very much." He swore carrying him to the car. Buckling him in his car seat everyone drove to the courthouse eagerly waiting for the ruling. Walking in Zayn held Louis on his lap, Harry held Zayn's hand. Niall sat beside Harry his arm draped around Kyle's shoulders. Liam sat professionally straight, next to Hayden at the table who messed with his fingers really hoping he got off free but not wanting Harry to question him. "Afternoon everyone. I will say the ruling which I have received from the jury. Robin Styles is guilty for the murder of Jay Tomlinson. Josh Tomlinson is to be dealt with after the case on other matters. Now saying that Kyle Tomlinson you are to be place in foster care unless you can come up with a family willing to take you also that passes a state test." Judge Smith announced, her face serious as Liam shot up hugging Hayden. Harry grabbed his husband and son, "We won!" He screamed, Zayn nodded kissing his lips. Louis hid his face in Zayn's neck not taking part in the joyfulness of the celebration.

*Week Later

k smiled as Liam pulled up to his and Niall's house. "Alright kiddo. We're home." Kyle gave a light chuckle getting out grinning, "Thank you. Mr.Liam and Mr.Niall." "Kyle you can call us Liam and Niall or dad or papa if you want." Liam said patting his back. Kyle smiled lightly, "Okay dad."

* OMG I wasn't going to post this until Wednesday but I have some extra time so here ya go!!! Anyway have a great day and what do ya think about Liam and Niall adopting Kyle?!?!? Omg anyway comment and until next time ~Emma :)

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