Chapter 10

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Kat's POV

"Kat, calm down. We'll get her back," Zayn says trying to cmfort me.

"Today is the day that determines weither or not I get my baby back, how can I be calm?" I scream.

"He's right, Kat, calm down. You have to show the judge that you are mentally fit for this," our lawyer tells me. Zayn starts rubbing my back.

About 20 minutes later I hear a voice, "The Annabelle Case, please enter the court room." We follow the lady inside.

The lawyer, Zayn, and I all stand behind our table. I glance across the room and see John and his lawyer. Behind him, with the rest of the observers, I see a little baby with brown hair and bright blue eyes. I smile and tickle my little finger towards her. She starts laughing uncontrollably, agitating John. Score!

"All rise," a monotone voice commands. I turn to look at the judge. She looks young to be a udge, late twenties to early thirties. She has auburn hair and eyes. She's quite beautiful. Harry better not screw this up and hit on her.

We sit down and the judge starts rummaging through the paperwork.

"Custody battle over Annabelle Waters? Interesting," she purs out. My leg starts bobbing up and odwn with anticipation. John's lawyer goes first.

"We'd like to call Ms. Johnson to the stand." He glances at my ring then corrects himself, "I mean, Mrs. Malik." I smirk when I see John's frustration.

I walk up to the stand and they place a book under my hand. I stick my other hand up and agree to all the rules. I take my seat and John's lawyer walks up to me. That's where the fun begins.

"Mrs. Malik, is it true that you and Mr, Waters had baby Annabelle together?" he asked.

"There is much more to the story than that, but I admit that John got me pregnant and I had his baby," I reply. You always have to be careful the way you word things in court. I would know.

He holds up two pieces of paper. "Would you like to explain what these are to the jury?" I glance down.

"These are my records from when I got arrested. One is from when the police caught me drinking underage and the other was for vandalism."

"Vandalism of what?" he urges on.

"Vandalism of the house of John Waters," I conclude. I have nothing ot hide, might as well get it all out.

"Would you like to explain what these photos are from?" I glance down. shit, how'd they get all of these photos from San Francisco?

"These are from when I was staying with the boys this past year. They were bored, so I decided to do a bunch of random pranks with them. I got the idea off of the internet," I say plainly. Were they following us this whole time?

"Do you think this shows how bad of a parent you would make?"

"Not at all! We were just having fun. Honestly, you can't say that you haven't had fun when you were young like us," I say, giving him a wink. Might as well have fun while he tries to insult me.

"Well, how about tis photo? Are you not drunk?" He shoves another poto at me, completely evadingmy quetsion. I glance down I'm in my a blue dress and Zayn is carrying me.

"I don't exactly remember that night, but I haven't drank alcahol in over a month. You can check my blood work, if you'd like." I roll up my sleave and shove my arm out.

"That is not necessary. I rest my case, Your Honor," he says and sits back down, obviously frustrated that I ended up not looking as bad as he'd like me to look. I go back to my seat.

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