Chapter 9

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Kat's POV

Until the hearing we have about four weeks to kill. I can't believe I'm not allowed to see my baby for four whole weeks. Oh well; I've survived the past eight months, I can wait another.

I'm so excited, though, because the boys and I, and Simon, are planning Zayn a surprise birthday party. I'm at his house right now with his family planning the party. It'll just be me, the boys, his family, and the rest of his friends from the X-Factor. Only a few of his friends from high school were really close, but we're inviting them, too.

"Okay, so I'll distract him and take him somewhere. Then, the boys can spend the afternoon with him. Later, I need you three to have some quality bonding time and take him out to a movie or something," I say towards his sisters. They took a real liking to me the few days I've been here. They nod. That's when Zayn walks in and we all giggle.

Zayn's POV

I walk in to the girls giggling. I give them each a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello love. What are you girls doing?" I say, gesturing between the five of them.

"Just explaining puberty to Waliyha and Safaa," Kat says shrugging. I make my grossed out face and she ruffles my hair. "Get dressed, birthday boy, I'm taking you somewhere!" I shuffle to my room and pull on a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top. I fix my hair and grab my keys, meeting Kat in the family room.

"Ready, Freddie?" I ask. She gets up and drags me to my car, taking my keys.

"I'm driving!" she says giving me a wicked smile. The drive is one I've been on before, a long time ago.

"Are you taking me where I think you are?"

"Where would that be?" Before I can respond we pull up to the tattoo parlor. I smile and rush out of the car.

"Hello Kat, what can I do for you today?" Greg asks us.

"Hey, Greg, we were hoping you could set us up with matching tattoos." Greg raises his eye brow at me and I just shrug.

"Are you two...?" he asks swinging his finger between the two of us. Kat sticks out her hand and Greg smiles a toothy grin.

"It took you long enough, Zayn! Jesus, I thought you'd never get out of the friend zone," Greg explains. "C'mon you smitten kittens, come back to my work space!" Kat and I walk hand in hand to the tattoo chairs.

"We'll have these on our right arms," Kat says handing Greg a paper. He nods and starts working. Greg and I get in a conversation of how I've been when we have to leave. Kat walks up to him and hands him a paper. "Be there around nine." He nods and we leave.

"What was that about?" I ask. She shrugs and I turn my attention to the new ink. It's a hand with fingers crossed. "What's this stand for?"

"Hopefully, we'll be parents soon, so we might not be able to do the fun things that we used to, so we might as well have a memento of all the lies we pulled off, pranks we pulled, and stupid things we've done." I give her a big hug. All of a sudden four pairs of arms wrap around me.

"He's all yours, boys!" Kat says, waving me away. I turn around and see Niall, Louis, Liam, and Harry giving me wide grins. We all pile into the car as Kat goes to the back and grabs something out of the trunk.

"How are you getting home?" I ask. She holds up her skateboard.

"By board it's only an hour or so. You boys have fun, now. If you get arrested, Simon is the one with the bail money. Just remember that." She winks and gives me a kiss. "Have fun, quiffy." She skates off.

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