Chapter 1

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The first day of school in a new country. Great. Not only is middle school hell, but now I have to go to school with people who'll most likely make fun of my "American accent". Never have I ever been more aware of the way I speak.

As I walk through the halls of Tong High School, I glance around. All the girls wear their skirts to their shins. I laugh out loud as I look down at my own skirt. It's plaid green and up to my butt. It's like I'm just asking for an ass kicking.

I'm about to go to my first class when I hear some nasty slurs being yelled down the hall. I glance over and see a big group of uniforms. Wow, just like America. I push my way to the front and see a scrawny boy with black hair and square glasses covering his face. He's on the ground in the fetal position as a large kid kicks him in the stomach over and over.

I step forward and shove the elephant against the locker, lifting him up by the collar. Damn, kid. You're a heavy one, aren't you? "Why don't you on someone who could actually kick your sorry ass?" I asked him, getting up in his face.

He shoves me off saying, "What's this little punk to you, anyways, newbie?"

"I don't think it's very classy for someone of your...size to be fighting a scrawny kid," I spit on his shirt. That must've set him off, because he decides so sock me in the face. I dodge his weak attempt and grab his arm. I bring me elbow down, hearing a loud crack. I punch his nose, hearing another crack. Finally, I knee him in the balls. Hard. That should do it.

I wipe the blood off on my skirt. I turn to see a crowd full of people, staring in admiration, jealousy, and pure horror. I smirk, giving the boy my hand. He takes it, standing up.

"Many thanks, lass," he says, seeming to be the only one unfazed by my brutal attack on the kid that is probably the "tough kid" of the school.

"Kat," I say, "of California."

"Zayn," he says, "of Baildon." I smile.

"I have just happened to have moved their last week," I say.

"Maybe I'll show you around, sometime," he says.

"I'd really like that. Thank you," I say as the last bell rings, telling us to go to class.

Eventually, it's just bully, Zayn, and I in the halls. We walk to our next class together.

"See you after school. I'll walk home with you," he says. I nod.

I wait for Zayn after school kicking a soccer ball barefoot around on the grass field. When I see him, I run over and pass the ball to the boys that let me borrow it.

We just walk in silence for a few minutes. I let the feel of the cold pavement on my bare feet soothe me.

Zayn's the first one to speak, "Why did you stick up for me earlier?"

"I hate seeing someone look as innocent as you to get hurt so much. Besides, that kid was yelling slurs about Muslims. I hate people who are so mean," I scowl.

"Yeah, but nobody ever did that before. In the past seven years, this was the first time someone my age was actually my..." he trailed of, turning a dark shade of pink.

"You're what?" At first he didn't answer. I so didn't want to lose my patience with this adorable kid. "Look. You may not have noticed, but I don't exactly have anyone to tell. I'm the American outcast! Nobody is willing to talk to the foreign freak," I say, trying not to frown.

He looks up into my eyes as we round the corner. "I've never had a friend before," he says. I can't help but sighing.

This kid... I shake my head and smile, shocking him. "Well, with you're permission, it would be an honor to be your very first friend." A huge smile sprouts off of his face. His head shakes vigorously up and down. I hold out my pinky. "I, Katherine Lindsey Johnson, pinky promise to be your very best friend...FOREVER!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, alerting a biker passing by.

He holds out his pinky, hooking it with mine. "And I, Zain Javaad Malik, pinky promise to be your very best friend FOOOREEVVEEEEERRRRR!!!!!!!" he yells, making a few birds fly out of the trees around us. We just stood there laughing our lungs to exhaustion as leaves fall on our heads.

Hello! It's Katrina, here. Just started doing this story and was wondering what you all think so far? Any requests, just leave a comment and I'll try to flow it into the story. This is my first time writing for someone other then my teachers, so go easy on me! Also, this story is completely from my imagination. Some charatcers and events are based off the people I know and things I have experienced.

Love, aSimpleWallflower   <3

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