Chapter 7

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Kat's POV

"Kat!" the boys keep calling. I finally wake up to see five lovely faces.


"We're bored!" Louis complains.

"Go touring around or something," I close my eyes. I feel them jump on me.

"No! We've been touring around for the past month!" Liam complains. I groan. Has it really been a month since we came to California? Time sure does fly by.

"Fine! But you'll regret it!" I smile evilly into my pillow.

"We're going to do something stupid and disgusting, aren't we?" Zayn comments.

"Aww. You get me so well, babe." It's been a few weeks since Zayn admitted he liked me. I remember our first date.

"Where are we going?" I asked. He had his hands over my face and was guiding me down a road.

"You'll see! Oh no! Stairs!"

"What?!" Before I could fully fall he caught me and looked me in the eyes."First date and I'm already falling for you," I comment. He pulls me up and I look around. "Are we in Japan town?!" I ask.

"You said that before you left your mom and dad always took you here," he says, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's absolutely perfect! Thank you, Zayn." I gave him a big hug. We went to a photo booth where we got to edit the photos. We got three copies and ate an amazing dinner. Then, back at the hotel, before I went into my room, he kissed me goodnight. That was our first kiss. "Well?" he asked, looking at me expectantly. "Fucking perfect," I said, grabbing his hair and kissing him again.

"Now get off! I'm going to suffocate in my pillow!" I say in a muffled voice. They do so and I begin to dress for a day of pure stupidity.

Zayn's POV

"I'm at the store with Niall. What do we need?" I ask through the phone.

"Get six of the three liter milk cartons and food dye for the colors of the rainbow!" she commands.

"What for, exactly?" I ask as I put the milk in the cart.

"You'll see," she says. I can just here the scheming in her voice. The line goes silent as we begin to pay.

"I wonder what she needs this for," Niall comes up behind me and comments.

"You guys must be doing the 3L Rainbow Milk Challenge," the lady behind the cash register points out.

"The what? My girlfriend wouldn't tell me," I say. The girl makes a zip movement to her mouth. Great. All women are officially against me. I text Kat.

Got the stuff. On our way back now.   Zaynster

You sound like a drug dealer! Meet us in the alley beside the hotel. We'll be waiting near the dumpster.   Kat

I wonder what we could be doing. We meet the rest o the gang in the alley. Louis is jumping around while Harry tries to climb the dumpster. Liam is on his phone while Kat leans against the brick wall. I give her a peck on the cheek and she smiles.

"Perfect! Okay guys! Gather around!" she says, motioning for us to come closer. She opens up the containers and starts making the milk into a rainbow. She hands us all a different color. "The rules are simples: finish your milk; if you vomit, you have to keep going; whoever doesn't finish their milk will be punished." She gives me a wink.

"I like this game!" Louis says smiling.

"You won't afterwards," she mutters. Little did Louis know that she was right.

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