Chapter 3: The Purple Hues of my Smoothie

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    Green. It's all I could see at first as my eyes then traveled up to wet curly black hair and traveled down to full lips and a chiseled jaw. I hadn't realized I was starring like a fan girl until someone behind him cleared their throat. I cut my attention to the person behind him, a man of similar build but half a foot shorter and half the muscle. Geez where did these guys come from, a modern Greek god convention? The guy behind him chuckled as I had started staring again.
"I'm sorry guys but we JUST closed the shop. You can come back in the morning when we open at 7?" I said trying to break the silence.
  Tall tan and handsome number one was staring at me and I felt the same eyes feeling I'd felt all week. "Well will you be here?" He said as he continued to stare. His deep voice sent shivers down my spine and to the tips of my fingers and toes.
  "Maybe" I said as I smirked. Tall tan and handsome number 2 started to crack up and hit his friend on the shoulder.
   "We'll see you tomorrow then sweetheart." He replied still chuckling as his taller friend shot him a death glare. The death glare broke the staring contest that had been going between us since he had stepped through the door. They left the shop and hopped into a black SUV and drove off, while I continued to close the shop and head home.

   I pulled into my driveway and walked to the door. I hadn't paid much attention to the driveway and turned back to notice Adams car was gone, sweet a night to myself. I unlocked the door and walked into the house, it smelled like a bakery in here. The smell of cinnamon and fresh bread filled my nose, the smell only getting stronger as I walked closer to the kitchen. On the counter was a clear cake case full of what looked like fresh baked cinnamon rolls with a little blue note on it. I pulled the note off of the case and took a closer look to read it,

'I'm sorry for what I said

you know I didn't mean to hurt you like that

You're all I have left.

- ADAM <3

p.s. gonna be gone until Wednesday, brother called me on a guys trip, call me'

I crumpled the little blue piece  of paper and tossed it aside. I get the house to myself for a bit, I automatically run to the bathroom and make myself a bubble bath. I lit some candles and set my laptop up on a stand near my tub to watch my favorite show while I relax. I laid in the bath for like an hour after I had shaved and scrubbed my body, and changed into a big sweatshirt and a cute cheeky underwear. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed myself a cinnamon roll on a paper towel, opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. I set them both on the counter, pulled a glass out and opened up the pots and pan cabinet and blindly threw my hand around until I felt the little plastic container. I smiled greatly as the little yellow container was now in my hand, I pulled a spoon out and made myself a big cup of chocolate milk and placed the items back into their place. I sat my butt on the couch and started my well deserved marathon of Star Wars.


  I hadn't noticed I dozed off until I heard my phone alarm going off on the table beside the couch I was sprawled out on. I checked the time, 5:30 AM, I got up and walked into my bathroom and got ready to go on the run by myself, since Mr. Asshat  decided to leave me. I changed into a simple navy legging and bra set and threw on my running shoes. I grabbed my headphones since I wouldn't have anyone to talk to and started my run. I ran our usual route and ended up at the same storefront I always end up at, Sam's Smoothies, and walked in and saw Sam smiling as per usual. "Hey babes wheres your partner in crime?" She said as she started to prep for whatever I would be ordering .

"Got called onto a guys trip or something with his brother so I've got the place to myself for a bit. You should come over sometime while he's gone, we can have a girls night!" I replied back to her hoping she would take up on it. Sam and I have hung out only a couple of times before but she doesn't like to come around the house when Adam is home for some reason.

"Well what're you feeling today?" she asked as she did a little hop on her toes.

"I have another long day ahead of me so maybe something refreshing and energizing thrown in the Sam Special today?" I said as she nodded and got to it. She handed me my smoothie as I handed her cash. I blew her a kiss and said my goodbyes as I walked towards the beach, I was sipping my smoothie and checking a message I had just gotten as I walked into a wall. My phone flew out of my hand and my smoothie went over the wall in front of me. I felt hands grab my elbows to keep me from falling and a deep chuckle. Thats not a wall. I looked down and I was now covered in smoothie and so was the wall-like stranger I was too scared to look up to. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" I said as I went to grab my phone as the stranger did the exact same thing.

"It's alright, love I wasn't paying much attention either, what do you say we go clean this off of us huh?" He said as I looked up and made eye contact and he handed me my phone back. Green. I felt butterflies in my stomach and cheek turning bright red as I recognized the man from the coffee shop.

"u-u-uh yeah sure my friend owns the place across the street I'm sure she'd let us clean up there. I am so sorry again." I said pointing to his ruined black t-shirt. He was in a black shirt with grey sweats and white tennis shoes that were all now purple. We walked together to Sam's place and as we walked in I noticed Sam bow her head like she was in front of royalty, maybe she just dropped something. "Hey Sam, question, Can I come use your nice bathroom in the back to clean us up? And maybe a new smoothie too?" I said still embarrassed. She giggled and opened up the counter part that allowed access to the back

"Of course babes!"

"Thank you soo much! Come on" I said as I brought tall dark and handsome with me to clean up. I grabbed a rag and wet it with some warm water and soap and started to dab his shirt. "I am so sorry again, if you want to go ahead and give me your shoes I could get them cleaned for you. I know its a weird request but I mean I did it so I might as well get it fixed."I was rambling, I couldn't help it I was so nervous under his gaze. Yet for some reason I felt like I was safe, like I was where I needed to be. He started to smile as he continued to look at me. "What? Was it something I said?" he just started to chuckle.

"You know for someone who's covered in more smoothie than me you sure are worried about me. I'll be okay though. I'm Luke" He said holding his hand out. "You are?"


The Hues of LizaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя