"Just give me to her, Lauren. You know I'll have her, anyways. I'm baffled that she's even dating you, I mean, no offense, but compared to me, I'm literally worth more than you. I could buy your fucking family if I wanted to."

"I'm not offended because I don't give a fuck about anything you say because the words that come out are stupid as hell. I can't give you to her, she's a person. She's not some "thing" I can hand over to you. Fuck you, this conversation is over." Lauren stated walking away.

"Lauren, you'll regret this. Don't expect me to stay away from Camila either." Chad said grabbing his cup.

"Oh, go fuck yourself." Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Ouch, look I'm trying to help. I'm succeeding and she's succeeding."

"And what are you trying to say about me then? I'M NOT?"

"You're having a fucking major back up plan as a singer and look at you now, a barista in a coffee shop getting minimum wage. Look at Camila, she's still in high school and she's doing one of your dream jobs. How does that feel?"

"But I'm dating Camila and you're tripping on rocks for her when she doesn't want you...how does that feel?"

Chad glared at her and felt his phone vibrate. He started to walk to the door and read the message. He smirked to himself and stopped walking, looking back at Lauren.

"Hey, Lauren!" Chad called out.

Lauren looked up and gritted her teeth.

"Tell Camila to wear something nice and casual tomorrow night when she hangs out with me. Thanks." Chad smirked at Lauren before leaving the place leaving a confused Lauren.

"Laur...what was that?" Caitlin asked washing her hands.

"I don't know, I really don't." Lauren sighed.

"Well, I'm here for ya and new girl is also here for ya." Caitlin piped up.

"New girl?"

"Yeah, Lindsay. She just walked over to the back to put her stuff down."

"L-Lindsay..?" Lauren asked, familiar with the name.

"Lindsay Leighton? I told you about her, amazing work skills, a bit hard headed."

"No fucking way! She and I dated during my the summer after my sophomore year ended."

"Ooh, what happened?"

"Shit, I was a bit over-obsessive and overreactive back then...she called me fucking insane. But, I'm not anymore, you know that, I mean we dated," Lauren muttered.

"...Were you one of those stalker girls? Or something?" Caitlin asked slowly.

"No, I was just nosey and back talked a lot...but it was taken completely the wrong way in her head." Lauren sighed.

"Tough shit, Laur. Well, you'll be working together so good luck." Caitlin laughed, going to take care of a customer.

"Damn it," Lauren huffed under her breath as Lindsay walked through the back door, spotting Lauren.

Lauren's breath was taken away
seeing how much older she looked, well it had been some years since they saw each other.

"Lauren? Lauren Jauregui? Are you fucking kidding me?" Lindsay sighed.

"Is there a problem?"

"Being in the same place as you is like being in a fucking insane asylum,"

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