"We will see soon"

996 36 12

I walked in the cold night only wearing a green jacket, his jacket. I look at the sky, it's clear and I can see all stars a human eye can see. I breath slowly thinking about what happened year ago.

I can still hear his cracking voice and remember how his cold lips felt on mine. I  put my hand on my neck, where the ring he gave me is. I smile little bit and continue walking.

Soon I see the cemetary where his body is, I walk trough it just to see that the candle Toga and I came to put here is gone. I sit down looking at the stone where everyone can read a short text 'I will always love you'.

I feel a tear on my cheeck, but it's already starting turning to ice. I wipe it off quickly "Hey..." i whisper "I don't know are you listening, but..." my voice crack.

I lay down starting to cry, my tears fall on the grass on his grave. My soulmate. Only person who I never loved. The one who proposed me with his last breath.

I whisper four words before falling a sleep in the cold "We will see soon..."

Then I feel how my eyes start to close themself and cold is taking over my body. Goodbye world.

I see a light and when I can truly see I see that only angel I ever wanted to.

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Word count: 243

I wanted to give them a happy ending, but in my way.

Why you? (Overhaul x Shigaraki)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang