8. The End

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Time skip 9 months!

And also if I didn't tell you that All for One is still free in this story:) But he and All Might did fight, but nobody captured All for One.

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Shigaraki's POV:

I wake up on Chisaki's arms smiling and when I look up he kiss my lips quickly. We have been together already nine and half months and it's much for me. 

I have already forgotten about All for One's words about getting rid of Chisaki. I sit up "I have to do some work today with the League so you have to be alone"  I speak and Chisaki nod while looking sad. 

I stand up looking at my clothes "By the way Tomura can we go on a date tonight?" Chisaki ask and I look at him nodding "Sure!" I smile putting on my black shirt and all my other clothes. Chisaki stand up hugging me and I just smile more.

"I have to go" I mumble when Chisaki hug me tightly and he just kiss my neck "One minute more" I hear mumble trough my neck and I just pull away "I'm already late so no more" I speak trying to ignore Chisaki's sad face.

Skip 1 hour

I look when Toga kill some person, I don't care who it is "Did you get what you need?" I ask and Toga nod "Yes Tomura I got it" she giggle and hug Twice. I walk to the corpse and take off my clove touching the corpse. I smile when it turn to dust.

I look at the clock "We have a meeting with All for One today so are you all ready?" Kurogiri yell and Dabi smirk "Yes, but I have to meet Hawks" he tell and I look at him "Fine". I walk to Kurogiri "Where do we meet him?" I ask and Kurogiri open a warp gate.

Twice and Toga walk in it first and then I walk before Mr.Compress and Spinner. I look at the place we are "Tomura Shigaraki welcome" I hear a familiar voice and I smile "Thanks...master" I answer and at the same time I remember what he said about Chisaki.

After a while Master ask me to speak in private and of course I have to go. "Are you still mad about Chisaki?" I ask and he shake his head "No I'm not mad. You decided to live with him" Master answer and I nod "Thank you".

"But Tomura be careful, if somebody know that you have a weakness then they could use it against you" Master tell and I nod now being scared that somebody might wanna hurt Chisaki. I look at the clock again. 

"Do you have to hurry somewhere?" All for One ask and I put my phone away "I just have a date with Chisaki tonight"  I smile and All for One nod, but then he walk away and start talk to Kurogiri. 

I start texting to Chisaki because this meeting was now really boring.

Shigaraki: This meeting is fucking boring

Overhaul: Sorry to hear that, but when are you free?

Shigaraki: About in four hours

Overhaul: Okay, I need to visit one shop first so no need to hurry

Shigaraki: What do you need to buy?

Overhaul: It's a surprise to you.

Shigaraki: Scary

Overhaul: It's not scary it's something good

Shigaraki: Is it you?

Overhaul: What?

Shigaraki: You taste good

Overhaul: ...

Shigaraki: I had to

Overhaul: No it's not me

Shigaraki: Okay, but I have to go see you later!

I put my phone away while blushing and smiling. Toga walk to me "Why are you blushing? I can see it" she giggle and I look at him. I have father on my face, but I guess that I'm blushing more. 

Skip five hours

I walk to the park Chisaki and I are supposed to meet, but I can't see him anywhere. I put him a message.

Shigaraki: Where are you?

Overhaul: Change of plans come to the abandoned parking hall

Weird place to meet, but he's the one who asked me on a date so I'm not going to complain. I start to walk to the parking hall trying to see Chisaki somewhere. 

The parking hall is close to the park so I get there quickly. I look around, but then I hear a familiar voice "I'm glad you came" and when I turn around looking at All for One my body freeze. He have Chisaki laying down on his legs.

"Don't worry I didn't took his quirk. I just used one of his own quirk cancelling bullets...the ones that cancel a quirk only for a day" he speak calmly and I look at him "What do you want from us?" I ask same time being scared.

"Tomura Shigaraki I understand that you think that you need this man forever in your life, but it's not like that. You can't have any weak spots under your skin got it? So now break up with him" Master speak and I run to Chisaki.

I carry Chisaki away from All for One and when he open his eyes I smile "You are okay now" I whisper and he kiss me quickly. I pull away looking at All for One "I'm not going to break up with the one I love!" I scream. 

This is the first time when I scream to him. I was always too scared. "I hoped that you would have picked the easier way. Tomura Shigaraki" he shake his head and look at Chisaki "Can you break up with him?" he ask but Chisaki shake his head too.

Then All for One look at me "I'm sorry Tomura Shigaraki, but you didn't leave me any options" he speak and hit Overhaul with one of his quirks. Chisaki collapse on the floor and I run to him. All for One walk away leaving me alone with my boyfriend. My soulmate.

Chisaki have a deep cut in his stomach "Tomura...without my quirk...I can't survive" he whisper and I start to cry "No you can't die I love you too much!" I scream trying to close his wound, but he take my hands with one hand and with another he take something from his pocket.

"Op-en it" he whisper and I look at him with tears on my eyes, cheeks and both of our shirts. I take the box opening it. There is a ring inside of it and I look at him.

"I k-now it's soo-n, but wil-" he start but I cut him "Yes..." whisper still crying. I hold him on my lap and then he close his eyes I cry even more now hiding my head in his jacket. I turn my eyes on him "Good bye...soulmate...I will always love you"

I kiss his still warm lips deciding one thing. I need to bury him in that cemetery where we had our first date...where we started dating. 

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Word count: 1133

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