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Shigaraki's POV:

I can't sleep so I'm just laying down on Overhaul's bed looking at the blanket between us. I listen how Overhaul breathe when he's asleep and I realize something. I could just take my cloves(they cover only three fingers: thumb, forefinger and middle finger)and kill him, then I wouldn't have to be with him for two months. 

But the thing is that I don't wanna do that. I want to be with him these eight weeks and that really scare me. I sit up being careful that my arm where that stupid string is won't move because I don't want to wake Overhaul up. He look so cute when he's sleeping.

Wait. Cute. What. I meant that he look not so stupid 'cause he only have neutral black mask and he doesn't look like a bird. I lay back down and close my eyes trying to sleep, but then I feel how Overhaul move and sit up.

"Can't sleep?" I ask and he look at me "Oh sorry did I scare you?" little laugh escape on my lips. Brown haired guy look at me quiet, but then he answer "No I can't. And you?" Overhaul look straight at my eyes and I drown in his gold eyes.

Then he look at the blanket "That thing is annoying, it take too much space. Can we take it off?" he mutter and I nod "Sure this is your place after all" I say and he throw the blanket away. Overhaul lay back down and because we have these strings we have to sleep face to face.

He close his eyes and so do I so I don't need to look at his face. After that I fall asleep just listening Overhaul's slowly calmer breathing until we both are asleep.

Skip at the 10am

I open my eyes and I feel how my face turn red, because my nose touch Overhaul's nose and his hand is keeping my hand. I look at him and he open his eyes looking scared. His face is now red as mine.

I don't move, he doesn't move. We are just laying there silent, but then he smile under his mask. I look at him again drowning in his gold eyes. "What is so wonderful in my eyes so you have to stare them?" he ask sounding...flirty.

"W-what? I- I didn't look at..." I try to speak, but my words get stuck in my throat. Overhaul almost lay down on me putting his hands on the bed leaving my head between them. He's still holding my hand and now he's up me looking straight(Yes really straight...)to my eyes.

He's still wearing his mask so I can't see is he smiling anymore, but he's almost too close to my face. He look at my eyes and it's like I can't look another way. God I'm so red right now and he can see it. "Do you like me Shigaraki~?" he whisper.

My body freeze and I look at him "What?" and he put his mouth close to my ear "You like me don't you~?" he whisper and I try to not move at all. Everything in my head is so blurry and some dirty things about Overhaul visit in there what make me blushing more.

Overhaul get up and look at me "By the way I hate being dirty, I want to go in shower"  he say casually and I sit up "How the hell are you gonna do that?" I think loud and he look at my eyes "You can come with me" he smile and I feel exhausted.

"Or you can stay outside and I go in shower" he say finally and I nod. Then he stand up dragging me with him in the bathroom. I close my eyes while he start to take off his clothes. I make a first mistake in my whole life until now and I open my eyes for a second.

I see his naked body from behind and my whole face is red again. I close my eyes and he pull me closer so he can get in shower. I listen how shower's water start to drip on Overhaul's skin. I start to think about something else than Overhaul naked in the shower.

Suddenly I feel a knock on my shoulder and I hear a warm voice close to my ear "You can look now I have a towel"  and I open my eyes "Can I go to get father now?" I ask and he roll his eyes "You look better without it" and only thing I can say back is "Then why do you keep that mask then?" 

Overhaul look at me "No reason I just don't want to get sick" and I nod dragging him in the bedroom. I look away when he put on some clothes and then he tell me to change clothes 'cause my clothes are dirty or something. 

I put on clothes what he give to me and look at him just to make sure that he isn't looking at me. We are still quiet when we walk in kitchen and I look at him "What would you do if I say that I would like you?"  I ask and Overhaul's golden eyes are now looking at mine "Nothing" he say and I nod "Good"

Why am I hurting? It's not like I like him, but he's my soulmate so maybe that's what is in my head. He look at me "I hope you like spaghetti 'cause that is all I have now" and I smile little bit "Yeah it's okay. But we can also go to eat in my place"

Overhaul nod "Fine, but if they touch me I'm going to kill them" and I smile while taking my phone calling Kurogiri "Hey can you got me home" I ask and he answer something. We go outside and there is Kurogiri's warp gate.

We walk trough it and when we are in the LoV's place everyone look at Overhaul "Why did you bring him?" Toga ask and I show our arms where is the damn red string. Dabi laugh in the corner "We both have a bird soulmate" he say and everybody turn they eyes to him.

"What do you mean Dabi?" Toga ask and Dabi realize what he said. "Only bird I know besides Overhaul is Hawks..." I say and Toga jump on Dabi's lap making Twice clearly jealous. Dabi go silent and I just look at Kurogiri "Can I have some food?" 

Me and Overhaul walk in my room while he carry our food. Kurogiri gave us sushi. I drag him to sit on my bed "Now give me the food" I insist and he just roll his eyes putting a sushi in my mouth. I almost choke to it "Are you trying to kill me?" I ask and he nod.

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Word count: 1138

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