"Fine. I really like you, Lee Taemin. I really do..." He looked up at me "But I'm scared."

When those words left his lips I couldn't help but have this strange feeling; it stretched throughout my whole body. It was overwhelming, yet made me feel so complete. It had no bound nor length nor depth; it was just absolute. It felt as though I'm in a dangerous fire, yet I'm completely safe at the same time. He is my one stable force, my one stability in a world filled with chaos and I so desperately need him in my life.

And I finally admitted to myself.

I really love him.

I know it is scary how a complete stranger can become so close to you where one mistake and they can go back to being a stranger. The sole reason why lovers have unrequited love is because they are scared to take that risk, they don't want to lose the person. However, I want to take the risk. I want to take the risk and make it work.

I raised my hand and slowly placed it on his face, his face fit perfectly in my hand. At first, he shuddered at my touch but gradually gave in. A smile appeared on my lips as he studied my eyes for an answer, probably expecting the worst.

"You're an idiot."

I closed my eyes before leaning into him. My other hand was shaking slightly, my mind was repeating the same sentence over and over, Don't do this... don't do this. But the sound of my heart was beating so loudly I couldn't concentrate. It felt like it was going to explode.

Finally my lips touched his and I swear sparks flew all around me, and the world was slowly disappearing around us, along with all of our worries, our troubles and our problems. Minho made me feel like nothing else mattered. Here goes my first kiss...

At first, Minho seemed startled but gently he gave in as he placed his hand on my neck, deepening the kiss. It was a small yet warm kiss. I honestly never knew a kiss so innocent could be so intimate and electrifying. His lips were moving in perfect sync, my hands feeling his waist; I pulled him closer, the kiss deepened, becoming more passionate.

I pulled back, catching a breath and my mind was just... blank. I could feel the heat growing in my cheeks. By now they must be beyond an attractive rosiness. We stared back at each other for what seemed like hours until I finally dropped my gaze. "I'm sorry." I said. Guilt rushing back to me from what I just did.

"For what?" Minho asked, for some reason his tone of voice sounded confident "I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm sorry." I admitted.

Minho chuckled "That was the best thing that could ever happen to me." He leaned in and shyly pecked my lips once again, making a smile appear on my lips. Nevertheless, he covered his mouth with his hand with a shocked expression.

"So does that mean we're like..." Minho drifted off, lowering his gaze as he shrugged "Well... you know what I mean..."

"What are you? A middle schooler? Of course, we're dating now, you idiot." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"So does that mean, you like me too?!" Minho exclaimed as he got up, his eyes litting up and I scoffed.

"Really? After all that?" I said in disbelief and he leaped into me, hugging me tightly.

"I'm gonna make you the happiest man ever!" Minho exclaimed and I couldn't help but smile at this man who was starting to break down my walls and beginning to be someone who would mean alot to me. I couldn't be more luckier than to have him in my life.


I slammed the car door behind me, stepping on the damp concrete road. The cold humid air brushed by me, making me shiver. I buried my hands in my hoodie pocket as I made my way through the familiar alley ways. Its a surprise how their base still didn't get raided.

Trouvaille ~A 2min fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now