I nodded. "Yes, boss."
"Good. Now, come on! Off to Ninjago City!" Harumi ordered as I stepped into the shadow of the Colossus and found myself in the streets of Ninjago.

I changed my appearance from my Shifter persona but not my (Y/n) one, if I were to be spotted by the ninja then it wouldn't end well.

And they have no reason to trust me if I warned them, I am with the bad guys after all.

I walked down the streets, it was surprisingly barren, newspapers blowing down the streets from the breeze. I looked up and noticed the sky was getting darker and darker, signalling for the bad things to come.

I stopped in my tracks suddenly as I sensed an Oni, not a part one like Wu, Lloyd or Garmadon, but an Oni like me. Full blooded.

My curiosity got the better of me as I followed the sense, me wondering if it who I thought it was.

It lead me to a small tea shop on a quiet street, I could hear voices coming from inside.

"Hurry! He's burning up!" Jay's panicked tone came from inside.
"You cannot hurry tea, only have patience to get it right!" A voice that I haven't heard in years snapped.

'Mistaké? It's really her?' I thought, a feeling of warmth and excitement cutting through my stomach.

I had the urge to slam open the door to see if my guesses were correct, but I can't, the ninja were most likely there.

'Unless...' I thought, activating my shadow camouflage and warping into the shop.

I could hear voices from a small room connected to the main area but I stayed in my spot, if I move I would reveal myself.

I saw an elderly lady wearing a rice hat walk out of the roo and over to a large teapot, her back to me.
She poured the tea into a cup that was in her hand before putting it down on the bench and straightened up before turning around and staring right where I was standing.

I sent her a grin and she smiled back before bustling back into the room.

I watched as the ninja occasionally walked in and out of the room with worried faces, I couldn't tell what was happening but from I could tell Lloyd was in a bad state.

Mistaké went around doing the usual but occasionally looked over to me with a quizzical expression, even after handing Jay a small bag of something.

I looked at Jay and felt a weird fluttery but yearning feeling in my heart, why did he make me feel like that?

Soon there was a tremor in the ground and the ninja ran outside to investigate.

As soon as they were gone, Mistaké turned to my hiding spot.

"Been a while, hasn't it (Y/n)?" She asked with a twinkle in her eye, holding her arms out
"You could say that, yeah." I replied, stepping out of the shadows and reciprocated the hug.
"Want to catch up? I can get some tea ready in a jiffy."
I frowned and pulled away gently. "I would but....."

"You can't." She finished for me. "What's on your mind?"
I sighed and looked away.

"I can't stay.....I'm not on the same side as you..." I started.
"Why do I feel like everything that I'm doing with the Sons of Garmadon is bad now? I wasn't even fazed by it before...but when I get back after infiltrating the ninja...I just feel like everything is wrong......" I explained with a sigh.

"Well, what do you think is right?" Mistaké asked, making me look back at her.
She put a hand on my shoulder. "Do what you think is right, don't follow what you feel is wrong, do what you feel is right."

An Oni's Mask (Jay Walker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now