New Arrivals Rew Recruits

Start from the beginning

Scientist: "What's the- who are you, you're not supposed to be in here!" He shouted "I'm sending in the Police!"

Amy: "No don't I'm here to help!" She said while trying to convince him to not call for back up.

Scientist: "You- you are, how did you manage to get in here?" He asked the pink hedgehog.

Amy: "I have my ways of getting into places, now can you tell me what this is about?" She held out the blueprint to the scientist.

Scientist didn't want to answer but he can't keep this secret anymore as the news reporters, detectives, and the police have asked him so many questions about this crisis.

Scientist: "Fine I'll tell you everything you need to know about this." He said he then took a deep breath and began to speak. "We are trying to activate this mystical crystal to find out what kind of power it holds and discover its secrets." He explained to Amy.

Amy: "And I'm pretty sure if you find out with power it hold, you would probably inform G.U.N. to weaponize it right?" She asked as she know that's what the government and military wants whoever has some special abilities.

Scientist: "You're not wrong yes, but I'm trying to keep from falling into the hands of people like them that's why I sealed it away from them knowing but now it's gone." He said as he began to collect some documents and blueprints from the floor while looking that all hope is lost.

Amy: "So what happened here, and who stolen the crystal?" She asked trying cheer up the man of intelligence

Scientist: "It was this strange robotic killing machine, it was blue and it had red Pupils for eyes, and it was fast and a weird head-shaped for quills and he didn't come alone his army was these bug robotic creatures. He answered to the pink hedgehog .

Amy: "Metal Sonic." She said in a serious tone as it was obvious of what he's talking about. "And he's brought some help along the way, from Dr.Eggman to steal it." She also clarified

Scientist: "Well I guess that explains it but the question is why, what does he want with it and what is he up to?" He asked her.

Amy: "I don't know, but I'm gonna find out and why." She said as she looked up to the ceiling were the hole was. "Thank you for telling me everything doctor..." she was trying to find his name on his white lab coat.

Dr. Samuel: "Samuel, Dr. Samuel it was a pleasure meeting you miss... Dr. Samuel is also trying to figure out her name

Amy: "Amy Rose." She said as they shook hands and before could walk out Dr. Samuel stopped her for one quick second.

Dr. Samuel: "Amy wait I have something for you, it could help you track down the stolen crystal." Samuel said as he looked through the scrap debris and then he found it. "Ah yes here we go, this scanner will help track down the crystal, press the blue button to activate it and as soon as it starts beeping it means you are able to track it down." He explained

Amy: "Thank you, you will not regret this, I promise." She said as she ran out of the lab.

Outside in the city

Amy is walking through Central city with the crystal scanner trying to locate the missing crystal but sadly there was no sign of any thing she kept moving from block to block, street by street and try to get a signal but the was still nothing.

Amy: "Ugh, why don't this stupid thing work, it probably been already damaged from all the debris." She complained until.
(Music stops here)

*Beep* *Beep*

Amy: "Huh?" She looked at the scanner as it is finally working. "Alright now I can finally find that crystal, lets see here." She looked for a map on the device to see were it is and it looks like it's in a dessert and far. "So Eggman this is we're you're hiding, I see. Amy paused and thought if Eggman would have ambush if she was there all by herself. "If I'm gonna take him down I'm gonna need some help. She thought she then Paced around the sidewalk thinking of who could help her during his mission she thought of Blaze  and Silver but they were too busy, Vector,Espio and Bee but they will mess everything up, and even Shadow but of course he will say no, something then clicked in her head finally and said "I know who!" She said and ran to Tails workshop to find the tornado.

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