Chapter 14: Shopping and Meetings

Start from the beginning

I did the dishes and wiped off all the tables and dusted. Then when I was done I noticed I hadn't heard Gracie or Gemma in a while and decided to check on them. I went into the living room and they were sitting right where I lefted them with Gracie coeing and Gemma smiling at her as they played with toys.

"Hey Gemma you good with Gracie so I can jump in the shower real quick?" I asked.

"Yeah sure go ahead we'll be fine won't we Gracie?" she said.

I jogged up the stairs and got in the shower. I took a really quick one because I was worried about Gracie and since Harry wanted me to call him. I got out dried my hair and put on some pants and a t-shirt then gasped in surprise. "Gemma!" I called as I looked at myself in the mirror horified. She raced into the room holding Gracie. One look at me and she started laughing.

"It's not funny!" I said laughing.

"Ye-Yes it is!" Gemma said.

"I need new clothes." I said. I looked back in the mirror and what I saw was funny. All my clothes had gotten 4x's as big since I was fat when I had Gracie and then Gemma made me thin so now I was being swallowed by my clothes. I went back into the room and changed into a pair of sweats and grabbed my phone and keys. I put Gracie in the back seat of the Ford and Gemma climbed into the front as I buckled Gracie into her car seat.

"Are you wearing that clothes shopping?" I asked Gemma as she looked down at her yoga wear.

"Shit. No can you drop me by the house so I can change?" she asked.

"Yea." I replied as I pulled out my phone to call Harry. Gemma snatched it from me.

"Hey!" I protested.

"No driving and calling!" she wailed as she dialed Harry's number and put it on speaker phone.

"Hey babe!" he answered.

"Hey! Are you on your way home from grocery shopping yet?" I asked him.

"No not yet I forgot to get Gracie's baby food! I forgot my child what a wonderful parent I am!" he said with saracasm.

"It's okay take your time shopping. I'm on my way to the mall to shop for some clothes with Gemma and Gracie. Do you think I need to get a part time job or something cause I hate this! I'm spending all your money and plus we need to start a college fund for Gracie." I said while keeping my eye's on the road.

"It's okay Avan you don't have to get a job soon you'll be back at school and won't have time. We already did Mrs. Forgetful last week we had a huge arguement and so we ended up putting the money into a new account for Gracie remember?" he said happily.

"Oh yea." I said remembering. "Anyway's are you feeling okay? You sound....... happy. Too happy married men aren't supposed to be happy." I said as Gemma and I giggled.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny but I'm not married yet." he slyfully pointed out. "And yes I feel fine I'm just in a really good mood." he said.

"CARROTS!" I heard someone yell.

"Is Louis with you?" I asked.

"Yea all the guys are. Why?" he asked.

"Carrots!" I screamed earning a giggle from Gemma as we pulled up at her house. She handed me the phone as she got out and jogged to the door.  "You there?" I asked the phone as I checked on Gracie giving her a bottle with some apple juice in it.

"Yea I'm still here babe." He said.

"Oh well don't forget to get some celery and some yogurt. Oh and Gracie needs some diapers and wipes I used the last wipe in the house this morning." I said.

Secrets Can Get You Killed (Sequel to Their Secret) *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now