Chapter 13:The Love of a Mother...

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Avan's P.O.V.

I laid there beside a sleeping Harry as I heard small whimpers from across our bedroom.

"Harry. Get Gracie she's hungry." I said just as she started to cry.

"No I got her!" another voice said as Harry and I both jumped out of the bed. Harry flipped the light on and Louis was standing there feeding a hungry Gracie.

"Louis you-you asshole!" I said punching him in the arm. "I thought you were Jefferson for-" I broke down I fell on my knees and started sobbing.

"Shh it's okay love." Harry said rocking me back and forth in his lap.

"Harry she was safer before she wasn't born I hate this! Living in fear I hate this." I said sobbing into his warm chest. "I don't want to be scared everyday Harry." I yelled as Louis took Gracie into the other room. "Louis bring her back where I can see her!" I screamed as Jefferson walked around the corner carrying Gracie in one hand and Louis by his throat in the other.

"You should be scared." Jefferson laughed as he body slammed Louis into us knocking us over.

"No!" I screamed as he bit into my baby he let go of her as her lifeless body fell helplessly to the floor. I threw myself at her before she hit the hardwood floor and skidded to a stop at Jefferson's feet. Her cold lifeless body now lying on my chest as Harry and I started screaming.

"No!" I wailed as Harry took her from me and sobbed Jefferson picked me up and held me in his arms as I was kicking and punching him all over before I was paralyzed.

"Kill me." I begged. "Please kill me." I begged him.

"Really?" he asked. "Your such a pathetic weak excuse for a human I've ever seen." he spat in my face Harry put Gracie in her crib and now tackled Jefferson and he went through the railing of the stairs and hit the living room coffee table with a crash as Harry was beating his face in.

"You Mother Fucker!" Harry screamed. "How could you! My fucking newborn daughter!" I heard him screaming.

I went over to Louis to see if he was okay he was sobbing as I helped him up and we got Gracie as we held her in our arms as we sobbed. Harry came in and joined us with a gash on his forehead and a few broken ribs announcing he had Jefferson chained in the basement.

"She's dead!" I screamed at them. "She's gone!" I yelled but then stopped. "WAIT!Did he just take a little?! Is she changing?!" I screamed happily. Harry and Louis both put there heads to her chest as they quit sobbing so we could here.

"No! No! No!" Harry screamed as we all started sobbing again.

"My Baby!" I screamed. "Louis do something!" I wailed. "DO SOMETHING!" I screamed at him as I held her in my arms rocking her.

"I-I can't." he sobbed. "She's gone."


I woke up soaking wet and paralyzed I couldn't move at all every muscle in my body was contracted and refused to relax. "Harry!" I woke him up he turned on the light.

"Oh my god love what's wrong?" He asked rushing over to me.

"I can't move." I said through clenched teeth Harry ran to the bathroom running steaming hot water in the Jacuzzi tub he picked me up as soon as it filled. He walked me to it and stepped in as he slowly eased us both into the water. My muscles relaxed immediately.

Secrets Can Get You Killed (Sequel to Their Secret) *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now