
"That's crazy." I shrugged. I was just vibin and it felt nice. But I really wanted to talk about something else. Talking about Alanna made me miss her.

"So what about you and Mickey? You hit that yet?"

"Naw bruh! She wanna act all shy and scared and shit. But it's all good. I'll wait for her."

"Nigga you got like 30 hoes waitin in line for yo ass!"

"Nigga so do you!" I was chill and just laughing. 


Later that night I went back home. My dad was home and I was kind of ticked off. I was still pretty chilled from my smoke but I was just hoping that he wouldn't say some stupid shit to me.

As soon as I walked in the house I heard arguing. Right then and there I knew I needed to leave. My dad always had to be right and that type of shit was gonna make me get in a fight with him.

I was going to go to Alanna's house. I know I was risking it going to her house and shit. But I needed to see her.

When I got there Sonya answered the door looking happy as ever. 

"Hey there Dominick come on in!" I swear her and my mom were always like this. Well most of the time. "Alanna's up in her room."

I walked up there cautiously. I don't know why but I was a but nervous. That shit creeped me out. Like, I fucking saw her this morning, so why was I trippin?

The door was cracked open and when I knocked on it, it opened.


I walked in and I guess she was in the bathroom because I didn't see her.

I took my shoes off and sat on her bed. That shit was comfortable as fuck.

I heard water running and this confirmed that she was in the bathroom. She was going to be surprised when she saw me.

She walked out of the bathroom with some sexy ass panties and a bra on. That shit got me hard in no time.

She was brushing her teeth and when she saw me her eyes got big as hell. Alanna ran back in the bathroom and closed the door.

"Dominick what are you doing in my room?!" She yelled.

"I just decided to pay you a little visit."

"Well yeah okay. No problem just walk in my room without permission."

"It was an accident I swear." I said laughing. 

She walked out in a robe and I was kinda releaved. I hoped she didn't have anything under that.



"Come here." Dominick said.

He said it in such a sexy way and it turned me on.

I tried to hide the fact that I was extremely happy to see him. I felt like a freaking 13 year old having an obsession. (lol no offense to 13 year olds♥)

I walked over to him slowly. I was nervous as hell and I only had my panties and a bra under my robe.

He pulled me close to him and I had to admit, just being close to him did something to my body.

He kissed me and immediately I surrendered. I'm pretty sure Dominick knew what he did to me because he knew just what to do.

His kiss was so passionate and I couldn't help but admit that I was hella turned on. He moved my hair from my neck and kissed me on my special spot. I muffled the moan and stepped away from him. I closed my door and locked it.

He continued to kiss my neck when I came back. Gosh this guy was something else. I was fully turned on and I knew that I was starting to get wet.

"You wanna know something funny?" He whispered in my ear. I was unable to speak so I just nodded.

"I missed you all day today."

"That's funny?"

"Yeah cause we see each other all the time. And just a couple hours without you I feel lost."

He had me smiling soo big.

This time I kissed him and before I knew it we were having a full blown make out session and my robe was on the ground.

"You know you're beautiful right?" he said kissing down my neck to my chest.

I didn't even answer him, I just stood there looking like an idiot.

"Lanna if you don't wanna go there, I'll stop."

"No..please don't." I said way to eagerly. But Dominick didn't seem to have a problem with it.

He kissed my chest and unclasped my bra. I immediately felt my nipples harden and got sord of self conscious. He took one of them in his mouth and I moaned loudly.

Damn it felt so good. I really didn't know where this was going but I was too into it to even care.

I helped Dominick take off his shirt. He was soo defined and sexy. He had a small scar on his chest.

I traced the outline of it and felt him shiver. I couldn't help but smile. He was sensitive there. I kissed it and the next thing I knew we were both fully naked and on my bed.

Dominick was kissing me all over and I was wiggling around because I didn't know what to do it felt so good.

"Stay still." He said smiling at me. I just wanted him in me already.


"What...? What do you want?" He whispered in my ear.

"You." It wasn't my first time and I just wanted to feel him already.


"What's wrong?"

"I don't have a condom."

"I'm on the pill."  He looked at me crazy and I couldn't help but laugh.

"It regulates my peri-" before I could finish he pushed himself into me.

 I groaned so loud I thought my mom might have heard it. Dominick covered my mouth with his hand.

He felt so good inside me and I couldn't take it. At first he moved really slow until we found a nice rhythm.

Our body's moved against each other perfectly and I couldn't have dreamt this moment any better.

"Damn Lanna you feel so good." He sped up the pace and I thought I was gonna lose it. I couldn't control my moans and If his hand wasn't covering my mouth we be in sooo much trouble.

"Har..der." I muffled. I guess he understood me because he went way harder. My goodness this guy knew what the hell he was going and I was loving every bit of it.

When we finished I just layed there in his arms. I felt the most comfortable I have since I moved here. In his arms just felt so right I really couldn't explain it. He was playing in my hair and I was just relaxing.

This really felt perfect and I didn't regret any of it.


Whooaaaahh! lol Tell me what you thought!!!!! haha My first sex scene ever so it probably was bad but oh well!

What did you think about this chapter? Was it good or bad lol. I was in a shitty mood when I wrote it and didn't feel like editing so I understand if it didn't meet your expectations!!

still VOTE & COMMENT!! :D

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