9. "no ashby!"

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I heard her voice.


I looked around the darkness at the never ending dark hallways that I was placed in but couldn't see a damn thing.

" Baby, behind you."

I turned around and there she was. Standing in front of me with a glowing ring around her whole figure, I ran to her and hugged her close. "Please don't leave me mom..." I cried.

"Im never going to leave you, baby.. and trust me.. your dad is getting hell from me for leaving you like that.." she nodded, running her hands though my hair as she kissed my forehead.

"Mom, i'm so scared.." I admitted. Looking up into her eyes.

"You have no reason to be... no reason at all. Sure, things will come along and hit you like a ton of bricks. But you will never be faced with more than you can handle.. and you can handle anything. You're a Carlile... And more importantly, You're my son."

"I feel so worthless mom.."

"Stop that! You are worth more than anything.. you're meant to change lives and thats exactly what you will do.. with Jessica and Alan by your side."

I smiled at her words and hugged her once again "I love you Mom."

"i love you too my Baby.." she cooed and kissed my forehead. "Never let those friends of yours go, ya hear? Jessica especially.."

"Wait, What do you mean?"

"You'll see in time." she nodded, "i love you" she whispered, hugging me close then just dissolved into thin air.

I looked around the darkness surrounding me once again, "Mom! Come back!" I called but my voice just echoed. I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut.

I opened them again only to be met by the TV still playing the opening loop of Sixteen Candles. I sighed and grabbed my guitar as I shut off the TV and opened up the back door, jumping down off the deck to the little path that led to a cliff wall, sitting on the edge of it and started strumming just to be able to think.

I sulked as I let the inevitable tears run down my face as I thought about the super vivid lucid dream I had about my mom.

I missed my mom more than anything.

I still don't understand what she meant by always keeping Jass and Alan around, I had no plans anyways to get them out of my life at all... Ever.

Jass has been there for me for 16 years... And litterally saved me from my own self where as Alan is the best best friend anyone could ask for.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump and look up, seeing Jass standing over me.

I sighed and dropped my head, plucking out another rolling melody on the old guitar in my hands.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked wrapping her arms around my shoulders from behind and rested her chin on my shoulder with a sigh. The air she blew out of her nose tickled my neck a bit, making me shiver.

I shrugged once the feeling subsided and set my guitar to the side of me, leaning forward to place my face in my hands, starting to cry.

Jass quickly moved to the side of me and pulled me into her chest "shh.. shh Austin.." she said, a hand running though my hair and held me there, I wrapped my arms around her waist and cried harder into her shoulder.

Nothing Without You (Austin Carlile) Where stories live. Discover now