7. "get it offff!"

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"WAFFLES" I yelled though the tiny hotel room. Austin was laying on top of Alan sideways and fully outstretched, both of them completely unfazed by my's shrill squeak about food.

"Come on Carlile! Get your ass up." I smacked the back of Austin's thigh, making a loud cracking noise,

"EEKGHADDAMMIT LANDON" Austin groaned, rolling off of Alan and onto the other side of the bed.

Alan sat up and glared at Me, "nice bed-head Ashby." I remarked

He laughed dryly and flipped me off, ruffling his already messy orange fluff with a shake of his head.

I flipped him off and threw a waffle at his face, as he collapsed back on the bed next to Austin. "come on you lazy bums! We've got 2 hours before we are at our next destination!"

the boys groaned and rolled off the bed and sat up. "and where might that be?" Austin groaned, rubbing his face with his palms.

"Its for me to know and you to find out Sir, now get your pretty little booties up, and shake a tail feather." I said sitting at the foot of the bed indian-style as they tried to find clothes out of their bags and got changed.

I grabbed my bag and headed out to the car, getting in and throwing on some AeroSmith for the ride there.

The boys came eventually and collapsed into the seats, Alan in front with Austin in the back staring at his phone. "So, the game is in 2 weeks, you excited?" I asked as I pulled out of the parking lot.

Austin's face brightened up and nodded. "UCLA, Ohio, and Auburn are coming to scout it out." he nodded tucking away his phone.

"isn't Auburn your first choice?"Alan asked. Alan and I have chosen to go to the local Community college for a few years to get an Associates Degree then transfer over to a big college. Austin was joining us if he didn't get scouted. But we had no doubt that someone would want him.

"That it is." Austin grinned.



"FINALLY" Alan let out an exasperated sigh as he bolted out of the car and into the hotel we were staying at for today to find a bathroom.

"so we are just casually staying in New Orleans.. for Mardi Gras.." I asked, helping her with the bags.

Jass nodded "that we are."

I smiled and followed her up to the room, collapsing on the king sized bed near the window. "and what is there to do in new orleans for 3 non-drinking age teenagers?" I asked, not really seeing anything we could do since it was mostly a drinking town besides watch the parade.

A smirk rose on Jass' face, causing me to become skeptical.

"what did you do?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"well.. I definitely didn't get fake ID's made for us if thats what you are thinking."

"did I hear Fake ID?" Alan asked as he came out of the bathrooms. Jass nodded holding up the 3 cards that she pulled from her pocket. "lets go get shit faced!" Alan squealed like little girl, grabbing his and booked it out of the room. Jass shook her head and changed into something a little more fancy.

"his energy is going to kill me one day." I laughed as I grabbed a new shirt and my leather jacket out of my bag, following Alan out. "it's the ginger in him." Jass laughed and hit the Main street of New Orleans.

"THE PARRAADDEE." Jass squealed as we weaved though the people, seeing the mass of dancers and confetti and streamers flying everywhere as the elaborate dancers and floats drifted their way down the road with loud music and beads flying everywhere. I smiled, reaching up and grabbing some beaded necklaces that were flying though the air, draping them around Jass' neck, getting a few for Alan and I as well.

Nothing Without You (Austin Carlile) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora