3. "Did we just a Pokemon moment?"

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Jass pulled up the familiar winding dirt road, parking at the top of the abandoned trail then got out grabbing the bag from the cafe with her. I followed her out and stretched my neck to look at the sky once again. "I'll race ya," I played, taking off towards the top of the cliff. I heard her laugh behind me, leaves and twigs crunching under our feet as we dodged trees, ducked under limbs awaiting kids like us to be clotheslined, and dipped around little streams making their course though the wood's floor.

As soon as I hit the edge, I skidded to a halt, letting the dust settle before I sat down, letting my legs dangle of the edge of the cliff. My body relaxed from everything I had been keeping in, allowing myself to feel something other than numb. I felt happier. I smiled to myself, watching the waves crash up on and flooding the rocks below. With the rushing sound of the water retreating back to the depths, soon enough Jass was at my side, a pancake hanging out of her mouth with here hazel eyes brighter than ever as she handed me the plate of my favorite hash browns and biscuits with gravy.

I laughed and smiled "Thank you, Jasper..." I nodded taking the plate from her hands.

"It's what i'm here for." she nodded giggling softly as she leaned against my shoulder for a moment before taking her plate in her hands again. I sighed content and relieved as I watched the ocean sway back and forth carelessly with the moon's gravity.

I smiled and laid back on the grass with my hands behind my head Jass fell back next to me, "Thank you, Jass." I said after 10 minutes of just taking in the comfortable silence this place surrounded us with.

"You can stop thanking me now," she smiled as I leaned my head on her shoulder, shutting my eyes.

I was remembering all the times we would run up here as kids. When our parents would take us to the Punta Rassa coast for weekend trips. We had found this place when we were around 7 or 8 while pretending we were dragons, running though the trees trying to not to get hit with each others 'fire balls', also known as phone cones.

I chuckled to myself at the memory. Causing Jass to look over at me a slight smile to her lips and her eyebrows furrowed. "whats so funny?"

"just remembering how we found this place." I nodded, shutting my eyes to feel the wind pick up.

She snorted "yeah, I still have a scar from that one fire ball you threw at my neck," she laughed, moving her pony tail out of the way to reveal the tiny scar line that I had accidentally given her that day before looking back up at the clouds that slowly rolled past.

We stayed there for what seemed like hours talking about nonsense and laughing until our stomachs hurt. We were silent for a little bit until a crack from the east came, lighting up the quickly darkened spring sky.

"Let's head back," Jass said, sitting up and stretching her arms above her head. I sighed and shut my eyes, relictant to leave the place that held so many good memories but nodded nonetheless.

This whole day had been nothing but helpful. Making me forget about all the pain I had over the past month, and I had Jass to thank for that. She always knew what to say, what to do in the worst situations. She knew what cheered me up, even if it was just staring at clouds and having our minds make shapes and animals out of them.

I eventually got up and followed her back down the hill. I was gaining speed so I whipped past her, stealing her keys from her pocket in the process and hopped into the drivers seat of her jeep and locked the door before she could pull the handle.

"Austin open!" she whined, pulling on the door handle repeatedly, squishing her nose on the passengers window so she looked like a piggy. I stuck my tongue out at her and squinted my eyes "nope." I laughed and took a photo of her fabulous pig face.

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